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Wednesday, August 26 2020

  • Engineers use heat-free technology to make metallic replicas of a rose's surface texture


    Iowa State's Martin Thuo and his research group have developed technology to make metallic replicas of soft, natural surfaces such as rose petals. The team's metallic surfaces retained properties of the originals, including a rose petal's sticky, yet water-repelling textures.

  • Plant scientists study the interaction of heat stress responses in corn

    A new study shows how two responses in separate locations inside plant cells work in concert to help corn plants respond to heat stress. The research was made possible by the Enviratron, an innovative plant sciences facility at Iowa State University that utilizes a robotic rover and highly controlled growth chambers.

  • COVID-19 cases reported for first week of classes

    Iowa State University will provide weekly updates on COVID-19 test results. The data will include testing conducted at Thielen Student Health Center (TSHC) for students, faculty and staff who were symptomatic or exposed to someone who tested positive, as well as test results from the athletic department.

  • Flexibility key as Iowa State begins fall semester during ongoing pandemic

    As the fall semester at Iowa State University gets underway, faculty and graduate students discuss the new mix of face-to-face, hybrid and online courses in place due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Final update on move-in COVID-19 testing

    The final days of move-in testing at Lied Recreation Center wrapped up on Sunday. For the two weeks of COVID-19 testing, 8,094 students living in the residence halls and campus apartments were tested and 175, or 2.2%, tested positive, and 7,919, or 97.8%, tested negative.

  • Biomedical scientists piece together how medication paralyzes parasitic worms

    A new study upends the widely held belief that a medication used to treat lymphatic filariasis doesn’t directly target the parasites that cause the disease. The research shows the medication, diethylcarbamazine, temporarily paralyzes the parasites.

  • Update on COVID-19 testing at Iowa State

    From Aug. 7-13, 3,472 Iowa State University students moving into the residence halls and campus apartments completed COVID-19 testing at Lied Recreation Center. Of that number 75 students, or 2.2%, tested positive, and 3,397 students, or 97.8%, tested negative.

  • Book examines influence of racism on voting rights

    There is greater awareness today of structural racism in the U.S., but Americans are still split on the impact it has on the voting rights of underrepresented groups, according to a new book co-authored by an Iowa State University political scientist. The book, “Ignored Racism” examines the history of hostility toward Latinos and how it influences attitudes about voting rights.

  • Searching the ancient depths of a reptilian genome yields insight into all vertebrates

    An Iowa State University scientists contributed to a global effort to assemble the genome of the tuatara, a rare reptile species native to New Zealand. The tuatara genome sheds light on the genomic structure of a huge range of species, including humans.

  • Storm recovery updates

    Updates and information following severe storms on campus Monday, Aug. 10.

  • Results reported for Iowa State move-in testing

    Through Aug. 6, a total of 3,037 Iowa State University students moving into the residence halls and campus apartments have completed COVID-19 testing at Lied Recreation Center. Of that number, 66 students, or 2.2%, tested positive. 

  • Iowa State students begin moving into the residence halls

    New students are starting to move into the residence halls at Iowa State University. The move-in process for fall is starting earlier than usual and spread out over a longer period of time to help maintain physical distancing in the residence halls. Approximately 9,300 students will move in to campus housing over the next two weeks. They are required to complete a COVID-19 test prior to move-in.

  • Study shows demolishing vacant houses can have positive effect on neighbor maintenance

    New research out of Iowa State University suggests that demolishing abandoned houses may lead nearby property owners to better maintain their homes.

  • Engineers developing no-touch, mail-in, fast-scan test for COVID-19, other outbreaks

    Iowa State's Nigel Reuel is leading development of a closed, contact-free diagnostic sensing system that could be used to quickly test for COVID-19 or other outbreaks. The project is supported by a National Science Foundation Rapid Response Research grant.

  • Anti-Asian racism during COVID-19 has historical ties in United States

    Anti-Asian hate crimes during health crises are unfortunately not new, according to a new academic paper examining the history of this phenomenon. The research team, including an Iowa State University criminal justice researcher, looked at how anti-Asian hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic have furthered the historical “othering” of Asian Americans and reproduced inequalities.

  • Work proceeds on innovative approach to coronavirus testing at Iowa State

    Researchers continue work on a new testing platform that could detect coronavirus particles in the air without the necessity of a laboratory to process the results. The scientists have had to take an innovative approach to their work to negotiate the challenges of physical distancing.

  • Engineers find thinner tissues in replacement heart valves create problematic flutter

    Iowa State and University of Texas engineers have developed high-fidelity computational models of replacement heart valves to examine the performance of biological tissues built into the valves. They found that thinner tissues can flap and flutter, which can damage the valves and even the blood that flows by.

  • Iowa State University scientists examine reproductive effects of glyphosate in mice

    A pair of recently published studies analyzed how ovarian function in mice responded to various levels of exposure to glyphosate, a chemical extensively used to kill weeds. The results showed exposure changed the level of some ovarian proteins but did not impact ovarian steroid production, an indication glyphosate may not adversely affect reproduction.

  • Tendency to select targeted retirement fund ending in zero may impact wealth

    New research shows that selecting a targeted retirement fund that ends in a zero could negatively impact your retirement savings. The study identified a "zero bias" or tendency for individuals to select retirement funds ending in zero, which affects the amount people contribute to retirement savings and leads to an investment portfolio with an incompatible level of risk.