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Thursday, February 25 2016

  • Harmon named to senior VP for student affairs post

    Martino Harmon has been selected as Iowa State University's next senior vice president for student affairs. The appointment is subject to approval by the Iowa Board of Regents. Harmon, who has served as associate vice president for student affairs since 2013, will make the transition to his new position over the next month.

  • Protect against Zika virus during spring break travel

    Providers at Iowa State’s Thielen Student Health Center encourage spring break travelers headed to Zika virus-affected areas to take precautions. The virus’ greatest risk is to pregnant women or those who may become pregnant, due to possible links to microcephaly. 

  • Kickstarter creator and chair will speak at ISU March 2

    Perry Chen will present the Murray Bacon Center for Business Ethics Lecture, "How Kickstarter is Redefining Success," at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Chen is the creator and chairman of Kickstarter, the largest funding platform for creative projects in the world. Since its launch in April 2009, more than 10 million people have pledged more than $2.2 billion to fund more than 100,000 creative projects. Chen's talk is free and open to the public.

  • Marketing key to return on corporate social responsibility investment, ISU study shows

    The decision to give to charity or develop a more sustainable product should not depend solely on a corporation’s bottom line, but it is certainly a factor. According to a new Iowa State University study, a strong marketing department is crucial to helping a firm leverage its efforts to be socially responsible. 

  • Sustainability movement leader David Orr will speak at ISU Feb. 29

    David Orr, who has been one of the guiding voices of the environmental movement for more than 30 years, will present "Dangerous Years: Climate Change in the Long Emergency" at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 29, in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. His talk is part of the University Symposium on Sustainability and the Pearl Hogrefe Visiting Writers Series. It is free and open to the public. He is a pioneering champion of the cause of ecological literacy in higher education.

  • National business ethics expert will speak about Volkswagen and General Motors scandals Feb. 25

    Frank Bucaro, a leading expert and advocate on the power of ethical leadership in business, will present "How to Succeed Ethically When Others Bend the Rules: The VW and GM Scandals" at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. His talk is free and open to the public. 

  • Iowa State veterinary researcher will update study on economic impact of costly disease in pigs

    An Iowa State University veterinarian is updating a study to determine the current economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, thought to be the costliest disease to threaten the pork industry. His previous research, released in 2012, estimated the virus costs the industry $664 million a year.

  • Iowa State statistician organizes symposium to discuss stronger science behind forensics

    Iowa State's Alicia Carriquiry says forensic techniques need to be backed by more science and statistics. She'll lead a discussion of the issue during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Topics to be discussed include the reliability of eyewitness accounts, probability models to assess evidence and the development of European guidelines for forensic evaluation.

  • Activities set for Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Feb. 20-27

    The parents of a 19-year old who died after a yearlong struggle with bulimia will be the headline speakers for Iowa State University's Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week activities, Feb. 20-27. Tom and Doris Smeltzer will present "Andrea's Voice: Silenced by Bulimia" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. The talk is free and open to the public. Other activities during the week include a documentary, training, bake sale and party.

  • Iowa State challenges students to turn back cyber attacks, keep lights on, water running

    Teams of students will work eight straight hours to protect a simulated city's power and water utilities from cyber attackers. The competition will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, in Room 1313 of Iowa State’s Coover Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

  • New Iowa State research holds promise for diabetics with vitamin D deficiency

    A simple change in diet could boost vitamin D levels for millions of Americans suffering from Type 2 diabetes, according to new research from Iowa State University. The team of researchers found diabetic rats fed an egg-based diet had higher concentrations of vitamin D, improved blood glucose levels and gained less weight.

  • Iowa State engineers develop hybrid technology to create biorenewable nylon

    Iowa State's Zengyi Shao and Jean-Philippe Tessonnier are combining the tools of biology and chemistry to create new biorenewable products. Their hybrid conversion technology is featured on the cover of the Feb. 12 issue of the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

  • Media stereotypes fuel support for anti-Muslim action, new research shows

    Iowa State University researchers found a link between negative media stories about Muslims and support for military action and restrictions against Muslims. The research, published in the journal Communication Research, was designed to gauge the influence of media coverage portraying Muslims as terrorists.

  • Iowa State University researchers link ‘housekeeping’ gene with male infertility

    ISU researchers have found evidence that a “housekeeping” gene present in every cell of the body may have a link to male infertility. The results of the study suggest that deficiency of the SMN gene could have different effects in males and females.

  • Presidential research initiative builds, advances four big data research teams

    The Presidential Initiative for Interdisciplinary Research in Data Driven Science is advancing the work of four new research teams. Two teams have won research support to launch projects in digital agriculture and intelligent text analysis; two teams have won development support for proposals in sustainable cities and combining data platforms. Another round of presidential research awards is expected to be announced in February.

  • Iowa State engineer models heart valves, wind turbines for better designs, performance

    Iowa State's Ming-Chen Hsu and his research group are developing computer modeling technologies that help engineers design better machines. The models are being applied to wind turbines, artificial hearts and gas turbines. Hsu said the models can save time and money by replacing the production and study of prototypes.