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Thursday, January 4 2024

  • ISU researcher wins innovation challenge to seek RNA drug targets

    An Iowa State research team will collaborate with AstraZeneca scientists to identify segments of RNA structures that could be targets for drug compounds, a grant won in an innovation challenge held by the global drugmaker.

  • Maximizing exercise benefits to improve mental health

    Researchers at Iowa State want to know whether different types and doses of exercise can improve mental health, either on their own or integrated into treatment plans. Two concurrent research projects funded by the National Institute of Mental Health will help fill in the gaps.

  • ISU researchers discover crucial step in creating blood stem cells

    A microbial sensor that helps identify and fight bacterial infections also plays a key role in the embryonic development of blood stem cells, valuable new insight in the effort to create patient-derived blood stem cells that could eliminate the need for bone marrow transplants.

  • 2023 Year in Review

    As 2022 comes to an end, the Iowa State University News Service team is looking back and sharing some of its favorite and more popular stories of the year. 

  • Latest ISU/Civiqs poll shows tighter gap between DeSantis and Haley

    The fourth wave of results from the Iowa State University/Civiqs poll shows a tighter race for second place with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

  • Iowa State fall commencement Dec. 15-16

    Iowa State University will celebrate fall graduates and their accomplishments during two ceremonies Dec. 15-16 at Hilton Coliseum. An estimated 1,803 students are completing degrees this fall semester, including 1,485 undergraduates. 

  • Iowa State’s Robert C. Brown elected to National Academy of Inventors

    Robert C. Brown, who has many inventions involving the thermochemical conversion of biomass to biofuels and biochemicals, is Iowa State's ninth fellow elected to the National Academy of Inventors. He's still in the inventing business, including competing in an XPRIZE Foundation effort to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

  • Graduating student diagnosed with genetic disease finds ‘light bulb’ moments at Iowa State

    Jacob Lowe was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease soon after enrolling at Iowa State University, but he hasn’t let that stop him from finishing his degree in industrial design. His final project could help others with mobility challenges get out and about, and he’s looking forward to a career that makes use of the creativity and design skills he honed at Iowa State.

  • Graduating student found her true calling at Iowa State after traumatic childhood

    When Alyssa Rodriguez’s grandfather died before her senior year of high school, she found herself with no family to rely on. But Rodriguez earned a scholarship to Iowa State University, where she found community and ignited a passion for helping others. She’ll complete her degree in human development and family studies at the conclusion of this semester, fulfilling a dream she shared with her late grandfather.