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Wednesday, May 28 2008


Mice mothers devote energies to offspring when life is threatened

Deer mice offspring of infected mothers were bigger, meaning they are more likely to survive and reproduce.

News release.

Iowa State education technology professor offers ways to plug kids into summer learning

Through his award-winning blog, "Dangerously Irrelevant," ISU Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Scott McLeod asked K-12 educators to suggest ways that parents could use technology to facilitate active learning for their kids this summer. He has ranked what he considers to be the top 10 ideas for parents.

News release.

Iowa State researchers use fungus to improve corn-to-ethanol process

A team of researchers from Iowa State University and the University of Hawai'i are developing a process that cleans up and improves the dry-grind ethanol production process. The process uses fungus to reduce energy costs, allow more water recycling and improve a co-product that's used as livestock feed. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers recently awarded the project its 2008 Grand Prize for University Research.

News release.

Researchers will study ways to deflect asteroids

A new Iowa State Center will bring researchers from around the world together to develop technologies to deflect asteroids.

News release.

Iowa State students engineer Baja racer to handle off-road tests, four-hour race

Iowa State's Mini Baja Team is preparing its student-designed and student-built off-road racer for a May 28-31 competition sponsored by SAE, the Society of Automotive Engineers.

News release.

College of Human Sciences research projects are expanding human potential

Faculty continue their work on research projects that relate directly to the College of Human Science's mission to expand human potential. Three such projects are expanding independent living options for for older and disabled residents, providing a template for a program to try and improve conditions for black male students in predominantly white universities, and improving performance by Olympic athletes.

News release.

Admission partnerships strengthen community college relationships

Iowa State is strengthening relationships with community colleges through admissions partnerships. Today (May 15) Iowa State celebrates completion of admission partnership agreements with all 15 community colleges in Iowa during signing ceremonies at Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, Southeastern Community College in Burlington and the Eastern Iowa Community College District in Davenport. The partnerships make it easier for community college students to transfer to Iowa State for their four-year degrees.

News release.

Survival guide: Iowa State professor offers small business tips to weather weak economy

Howard Van Auken, the Bob and Kay Smith Fellow in Entrepreneurship at Iowa State, says there are some steps small business owners can take to stay solvent in today's weakened economy and offers 10 tips they can follow.

News release.