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Saturday, February 5 2005


Court: ISU Foundation subject to open records laws

The Iowa Supreme Court recently held that the Iowa State University Foundation's fund-raising function for Iowa State is subject to Iowa's open records laws.

President Geoffroy statement | Foundation statement | Court decision

Free public creative writing symposium Feb. 20-22

The Iowa State University Creative Writing Program will hold a free public symposium on "Wildness, Wilderness and the Creative Imagination" in the Memorial Union Sunday to Tuesday, Feb. 20-22.

News release.

Private fund-raising up 71 percent

Private fund-raising at Iowa State is up 71 percent halfway through the fiscal year, Iowa State University Foundation officials report.

News release.

Flaxseed growth offers market opportunities

U.S. consumption of flaxseed and flaxseed oil is on the rise, offering opportunities for Iowa growers.

News release.

Ads a Super Bowl phenomenon

For some viewers, Super Bowl ads are a bigger draw than the game itself. ISU experts discuss the Super Bowl advertising phenomenon.

News release.

$1.5 million gift to ag entrepreneurship program

A $1.5 million gift from Roger and Connie Underwood, Ames, will establish an entrepreneurship program for students in the College of Agriculture.

News release.

Clinic offers online "relationship check-up"

An online "relationship check-up" for couples is available on the Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic web site.

News release.

Veishea town hall meeting March 7

ISU students faculty, staff and Ames officials are taking steps to improve community relations, following the November release of two Veishea reports. Activities include a March 7 "town hall" meeting.

News release.

Search begins for dean of new college

The search for the first dean of Iowa State's College of Human Sciences is under way. Two current ISU colleges (Family and Consumer Sciences and Education) will be combined into the new College of Human Sciences on July 1.

News release.

The learning community advantage

Iowa State students share what they get out of their learning communities.


Sleuths for sorry-looking plants

Extension plant pathologists help Iowans determine what's hurting their plants.


Iowa State architecture professor receives national teaching honor

An Iowa State assistant professor is among three new architecture faculty in the nation to receive an award for excellence in teaching from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.

News release.