News Archive
Thursday, September 7 2006
Students lend hand in Uganda
Iowa State students teach, learn and help develop a school farm in Uganda.
Speaker discusses university entrepreneurship
Michael Morris, Syracuse University, will discuss "The Importance of Being Entrepreneurial in Today's Changing University Climate" Sept. 12.
Freshman, transfer enrollments up
Iowa State has enrolled its largest freshman and transfer class since 2002. Overall enrollment is 25,462.
Provost candidates to visit campus soon
Two finalists will interview for the executive vice president and provost position during the week of Sept. 18.
ISU to offer master's in seed tech, business
Iowa State will offer a master's degree in seed technology and business beginning next year. It will combine scientific subjects relating to seed and genetic improvement with courses similar to those in the first year of an MBA program.
Students eye orangutans
ISU anthropology graduate students are studying orangutan behavior at the Great Ape Trust of Iowa.
ISU research shows Extension programs produce long-term prevention of meth use
Research programs designed to prevent destructive behaviors among youth have now been proven to be effective in reducing methamphetamine use by adolescents according to new results from two studies of more than 1,300 students from rural Iowa public schools by researchers from Partnerships in Prevention Science at Iowa State, working with ISU Extension.
Economist says some ethanol projections high
David Swenson, an associate scientist and lecturer in economics and community and regional planning, reports that some projections about the economic impact of ethanol are being inflated.

Ted Brimeyer
Still marching with the band
A short series follows the life and times of Ted Brimeyer, drum major in the Cyclone Football Marching Band. Brimeyer just began his fourth and final season with the band.
Additional U.S. News rankings
Several ISU programs were recognized in the recent U.S. News and World Report rankings. The College of Business climbed three notches to 47th among 123 undergrad public business programs. The agricultural engineering program was ranked 6th nationally. Undergraduate engineering was ranked 23rd among publics. ISU also was among universities specially cited for first-year experiences and internships and co-ops.
Iowa State's Plant Sciences Institute funds new innovative research
Iowa State University's Plant Sciences Institute has awarded start-up funding to eight innovative research projects at the university. The projects selected focus on bioenergy, crop protection and nutrition. The grants were awarded to faculty researchers through a competitive program designed to stimulate excellence in plant science research. Grant amounts range from $10,000 for one year to $60,000 for two years.
Rugby players find success
Three players returning to Iowa State this fall have spent the summer playing on top, senior-level rugby teams.
Private support jumps 139 percent since 2003
The Iowa State University Foundation reports an increase of 139 percent in new gifts and future commitments for ISU since 2003.