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Wednesday, October 4 2006


Iowa State awards $3.69 million for technology and commercialization research

Iowa State University will use $3.69 million in state funding to establish a pilot facility to make flammable synthesis gas from Iowa crops, determine how flaxseed lignans can reduce cholesterol, establish an Information Science Technology Institute and advance many other research projects in the biosciences, information technology and advanced manufacturing.

News article.

Alumnus pledges $5 million toward new facility

Virgil Elings, a 1961 graduate of Iowa State, has committed $5 million toward a new building to house the department of agricultural and biosystems engineering.

News article.

Student-run blood drive Oct. 2-6

Iowa State students will hold one of the largest student-run blood drives in the nation Oct. 2-6. Students hope to surpass last spring's record-breaking drive that brought in 2,120 pints of blood.

News article | Blood Drive web site

New tool for nano vision

Ames Laboratory researchers have a new $1.8 million scanning transmission electron microscope to give them an unprecedented view of materials at the nanoscale.

News article.

Tight gubernatorial race reflects divided nation

Iowa's split polling in the gubernatorial race is a reflection of the nation's great political divide according to two ISU political scientists.

News release.

Entrepreneurship initiative under way

Iowa State has begun a campus-wide initiative to integrate entrepreneurship into the curricula of its seven colleges.

News release.

Students sponsor Political Action Week

Elected officials, faculty and students are discussing such topics as national security, equal rights and the environment every day this week as part of the student government's Political Action Week.

News release | Political Action Week events

Hoffman named executive vice president and provost

Elizabeth Hoffman, former University of Colorado president and Iowa State University dean, has been named executive vice president and provost at Iowa State by ISU President Gregory Geoffroy. Hoffman is expected to assume her new role at Iowa State on Jan. 1, 2007.

News release.

Grape and wine institute gets regents green light

Iowa State's proposal for a Midwest Grape and Wine Industry Institute received the go-ahead from the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, during its meeting Sept. 27. The regents also approved a new software engineering degree.

News story.

$3.3 million NSF grant will help advance women's science careers

The National Science Foundation has awarded a five-year, $3.3 million grant to Iowa State University to focus on institutional transformation in advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering and math.

News release.

Iowa State researchers helping to take the natural gas out of ethanol production

Iowa State University engineers are working with an Ames company to develop a renewable and cost effective alternative to the natural gas burned by most ethanol plants. The project is partially supported by the Grow Iowa Values Fund, a state economic development program.

News release.

Researchers bioengineer plants resistant to pathogen

Researchers at three universities, including Iowa State, have designed a new way to make plants resistant to the root-knot nematode, a microscopic, parasitic worm that is one of the world's most destructive plant pathogens.

News release.

ISU economists analyze ethanol trade and prices in a free market

What would happen to fuel ethanol prices and trade in a U.S. market free of trade distortions and taxes? A recent analysis by economists at Iowa State's Center for Agricultural and Rural Development addresses that question.

News release.

Movie malfunction leads to award-winning design for ISU student

Vande Griend is the first Iowa State student to win a first at the prestigious International Woodworkers Fair, which attracts the best young designers in the world.

News release.

ABC-TV picks ISU-Nebraska football game for 7 p.m. broadcast

The Oct. 7 Iowa State-Nebraska football game in Ames will kickoff at 7 p.m. ABC-TV has selected the game to broadcast regionally.

News release.

Congressmen Smith, Latham to be honored for service to Iowa small businesses

Former Iowa Congressman Neal Smith and current Congressman Tom Latham will be honored for their service to Iowa's small businesses at the 25th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon of the Iowa Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) on Wednesday, October 4, in West Des Moines.

News release.