News Archive
Tuesday, April 26 2005
Broadcast companies create apprentice programs
Three Des Moines broadcast companies -- KCCI-TV 8, WHO-TV 13 and Mediacom -- will create paid internships and scholarships for students in ISU's Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication.
Conference on tailoring plants for energy, products
The Midwest could someday replace the Mideast as the center of energy production if researchers can develop plants that more readily convert their leaves, stalks and other fibers into energy and biobased products. At a May 16 conference, experts will explore this challenge.
Douglas freestyle coach of year
Wrestling coach Bobby Douglas has been named 2004 Freestyle Coach of the Year by USA Wrestling.
Gymnastics coaches of the year
Gymnastics coach K.J. Kindler is coach of the year; assistant Lou Ball took top honors, too.
Design students to present Campustown ideas
Students from Iowa State's College of Design will present their Campustown area urban design proposal for public discussion.
Human Sciences dean finalists to visit ISU
The first two of four candidates for dean of the new College of Human Sciences will visit the Iowa State campus next week.
Students awarded Pappajohn Scholarships
Ten ISU students enrolled in entrepreneurial programs have received $1,000 scholarships from the John and Mary Pappajohn Scholarship Fund.
Open forums set for residence director candidates
Four finalists have been named in the search for a new department of residence director.

Researchers follow bobcats
Researchers from Iowa State and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources are monitoring the comings and goings of eight bobcat mothers in south central Iowa. The bobcats have been fitted with radio collars.
Distinguished, University professors named
Six faculty members have been awarded the titles of Distinguished Professor or University Professor at Iowa State.
Tulip time at Reiman Gardens
Nearly 20,000 tulips are in bloom in the outdoor beds at Reiman Gardens. Daily hours at the gardens are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visitors 17 years old and younger are admitted free during April.

A long look at Iowa
The spring issue of VISIONS magazine, now available online, looks at the critical role Iowa State plays in the economy and quality of life in the state, at the future of Iowa agriculture and industry, and at some of ISU's brightest young alumni.
Veterinary Medicine college celebrates 125th
This year marks the 125th anniversary of the College of Veterinary Medicine, the nation's oldest public veterinary college and the first veterinary college west of the Mississippi.