News Archive
Friday, October 7 2011

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack
USDA Secretary Vilsack to speak on food insecurity at Iowa State University
Current Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack will give a speech on worldwide food insecurity Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 5 p.m. in the South Ballroom of the Memorial Union at Iowa State University. The event is free and open to the public.
ISU political academics get front row seat to presidential campaign every four years
As long as Iowa continues to
host its first-in-the-nation caucuses -- allowing Iowans to
cast the first votes in the presidential nominating process
every four years -- Iowa State University faculty will have a
front row seat to the campaign. Three ISU political
scientists discuss that rare inside view and the unique
opportunity it presents them in their research and
campaign site.

Iowa State researchers help detect very-high-energy gamma rays from Crab pulsar
Iowa State University researchers helped design and build the
$20 million instrument that allowed astrophysicists to discover
the first very-high-energy gamma rays from a pulsar. The
discovery is reported in the Oct. 7 issue of the journal

Iowa State, Ames Laboratory, Technion scientist wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Nobel Foundation today announced Dan Shechtman of Iowa State University, the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory and Israel's Technion has won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The foundation announced The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences picked Shechtman "for the discovery of quasicrystals."

ISU study finds Iowa's local housing trust funds respond well to affordable housing demand amid rising poverty
Iowa's State Housing Trust Fund is responding well to the demand for affordable housing in the state, according to an Iowa State University study. However, during the eight years of the program's existence, roughly 70,000 more Iowans tumbled into poverty, creating an affordable housing need that is unmet - and largely unknown. The Iowa Finance Authority commissioned the ISU College of Design's Department of Community and Regional Planning to conduct the study, which provides an overview and analysis of the state's Local Housing Trust Fund Program.
Sanchez to discuss African Green Revolution in ISU Norman Borlaug Lecture Oct. 10

Pedro Sanchez, 2002 World Food Prize laureate, will present the 10th Norman Borlaug Lecture, "The African Green Revolution Moves Forward," at 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 10, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Sanchez is director of the Earth Institute's tropical agriculture program at Columbia University, and an international leader in the fight against hunger. He pioneered the use of agroforestry to restore fertility to some of the world's poorest and most degraded soils. Sanchez co-led the United Nations Millennium Project's Task Force on Hunger, and won the MacArthur Foundation's "Genius Award" in 2004. A reception and student poster display on world food issues will precede the lecture at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Oak Room. Both events are free and open to the public.
ISU's Pease Family Scholar to address physical fitness and mental health on Oct. 13

Steven Leath named Iowa State's next president
The Iowa Board of Regents has named Steven Leath the 15th
president of Iowa State University. Leath's appointment is
effective Feb. 1, 2012. Leath will be paid an annual salary of
$440,000. Leath has been vice president for research and
sponsored programs for the University of North Carolina system
since 2007.