News Archive
Monday, July 5 2010

Iowa State study finds TV viewing, video game play contribute to kids attention problems

Iowa State students take their professors advice and start an Ames bioenergy company
Three recent Iowa State University graduates are building a startup company, Avello Bioenergy Inc., on technology they helped develop at Iowa State. The company's focus will be to produce bio-oils that can be used to replace petroleum-based materials in asphalt, can be processed into various renewable chemicals and can be used as renewable industrial fuels.
Iowa State named 'Best Buy' in 2011 Fiske Guide to Colleges
Iowa State University is one of 21 public colleges and
universities listed as "Best Buy" schools in the new
"Fiske Guide to Colleges 2011." The Best Buy
institutions "offer outstanding academics with relatively
modest prices," according to the guide.

Iowa State alumnus honored with namesake U.S. Navy ship
Iowa State University alumnus Howard Otto Lorenzen, known as the "Father of Electronic Warfare" for his breakthrough work at the Naval Research Laboratory, has been memorialized with the launch of a new U.S. Navy ship.
State Medical Examiner: Jon Lacina death was an accident
The Iowa Office of the State Medical Examiner has completed its
investigation in the death of ISU student Jon Lacina, who was
last seen Jan. 22. His body was found April 14 in an outlying
building on the former ISU Dairy Farm south of campus.
The cause of death has been certified as probable hypothermia
with sharp force injuries. The manner of death has been
certified as an accident. There was no evidence of foul play,
weapon-related injuries or blunt force trauma.
ISU Department of Public Safety Director Jerry Stewart says the
findings of the State Medical Examiner's Office are
consistent with the investigation conducted by ISU Police and
the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation.
Evidence indicates Lacina fell down a flight of steps leading
to a below-grade boiler room at the Dairy Pavilion, Stewart
says. The "sharp force injuries" describe nonlethal
cuts to Lacina's hands when he came in contact with panes
of glass in the door.

Team PrISUm finishes American Solar Challenge at the speed limit
Team PrISUm finished the seven-day, 1,100-mile American Solar Challenge much stronger than it started the race. The team, in fact, was able to race the speed limit to the finish line in Naperville, Ill.
Iowa African-American Hall of Fame to induct new members
The Iowa African-American Hall of Fame, housed in ISU's Black Cultural Center, will induct new members at an Aug. 6 ceremony in Des Moines. Tickets for the reception and banquet are available through Rose Wilbanks, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, at (515) 294-1909.