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Saturday, September 3 2005


Students, community team up to aid victims

Iowa State students and Ames community members are working together to collect canned goods, non-perishable food items, clothes, blankets and other necessities for Hurricane Katrina survivors.

News release.

Katrina disrupts grain markets, shipments

Hurricane Katrina's attack on the southeastern United States is affecting grain prices and delivery in Iowa, says Robert Wisner, Iowa State University Extension economist.

News release.

Fans can give to hurricane victims at Saturday's game

Donations for victims of Hurricane Katrina will be accepted during Saturday's football game. The ISU athletics department and Government of the Student Body will accept monetary donations on behalf of the American Red Cross prior to and during the season opener vs. Illinois State.

News release.

Engineers build latest technology into I-235 bridges

Some very smart bridges are telling engineers just exactly how they're holding up. Engineers from ISU's Bridge Engineering Center have helped the Iowa DOT monitor and evaluate three sensor-loaded bridges as part of the I-235 reconstruction project in Des Moines.

News release.

Researcher contributes computer expertise to chimp genome project

Xiaoqiu Huang's computer software used 100 computers working simultaneously to assemble a draft of the chimpanzee genome.

News release.

Leading creativity researcher to speak Sept. 8

A leading creative thinker, who will speak at Iowa State Sept. 8, thinks everyone is capable of creativity.

News release.

Pep rally Sept. 6

A Sept. 6 pep rally will kick off "Beat Iowa Week." The rally, featuring the football team, cheer squad and band, begins at 7 p.m. in the parking lot just north of the Jacobson building.

Researchers will tackle plant diseases with NSF grant

Iowa State researchers have been awarded a $2 million grant by the National Science Foundation to study disease defenses in agricultural crops.

News release.

Women's basketball schedule final

Iowa State's 2005-06 women's basketball schedule has been finalized with the addition of six televised games, including two Fox Sports Net broadcasts and four Mediacom telecasts.

News release.

Reiman Gardens to celebrate 10 years

Reiman Gardens will celebrate its 10-year anniversary Sept. 17-18 with free admission Saturday and a barbecue dinner the same night.

News release.

Mural artists

Mural celebration

Some of the student artists who worked on the "Unity" mural outside the College of Design were on hand for the Aug. 30 mural celebration. The mural celebrates Iowa State and Ames' new "one community" theme.

Beam signing to launch work on success center

The public is invited to a ceremonial beam signing of the Hixson-Lied Student Success Center, Thursday, Sept. 8, at 1 p.m. The ceremony will take place on the building site, south of Fisher-Nickell Hall.

News release.

Book looks at Kahn architecture

In his new book, ISU's Thomas Leslie takes a fresh look at one of the most influential architects of the late 20th century.

News release.

Winning technology for noise reduction

An Iowa State spin-off company has won a $440,000 grant from the NSF to develop its unique noise-reduction technologies.

News release.