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Friday, July 21 2006


Iowa State's external funding reaches $280 million in FY 2006

Iowa State University generated $280 million in grants, contracts and cooperative agreements during fiscal year 2006, including $171 million for research projects.

News release.

Author on religious violence says 'sacred space' key in ending Middle East dispute

Iowa State University Associate Professor of Religious Studies Hector Avalos is author of the book "Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence" (2005) and sees no short-term solution to the current conflict in the Middle East.

News release.

Iowa State receives $795,000 grant for advanced electron microscope

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Iowa State University a $795,000 grant to purchase a state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscope for research in the biological and material sciences. The instrument, which will arrive late in spring 2007, will be housed in the Bessey Microscopy Facility.

News release.

ISU student named American Honey Princess

ISU agriculture student Teresa Jurchen was recently named 2006 American Honey Princess for the American Beekeeping Federation.

News release.

ISU professors assess Iowa Caucus landscape as potential candidates visit state

Iowa is expected to once again host the lead-off nominating caucuses in the 2008 presidential campaign less than 18 months from now, and two ISU political science professors assess the early landscape.

News release.

Geoffroy names new budget model committee

President Gregory Geoffroy has named the committee that will coordinate the university-wide review of a new budget model for Iowa State and develop plans for implementing the model.

News release.

College combination adapts to changing needs of families, students

Last July, Iowa State combined its College of Education and College of Family and Consumer Sciences into a new College of Human Sciences. One year later, officials are pleased at how the new "combination college" is stimulating greater multidisciplinary interaction among faculty -- providing a more contemporary education for students to meet society's changing human needs.

News release | New college leadership team announced

Grad student earns trip to research conference

Katrina Duttweiler, a graduate student in plant pathology, has been selected to receive a free trip to the annual meeting of the American Phytopathological Society Foundation in Quebec City, Canada, July 29- Aug. 2. While there, she will present a poster on her research.

News release.

Study finds overweight women exercise harder, experience less pleasure

According to a recent study by Iowa State University researchers, overweight people exercise at a higher intensity of their peak aerobic capacity than their normal-weight counterparts -- producing a gradual decrease in pleasure over time.

News release.

Interest builds in criminal justice program

A new academic program in criminal justice is drawing student interest. Approximately 140 students have declared a major in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis in criminology and criminal.

News release.