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Monday, June 16 2008


Farm to ISU

Farm to ISU program brings local foods to campus

Local foods are increasingly showing up in ISU dining centers. The Farm to ISU Program aims to bring more local, sustainable and organic foods to campus.

See story.

New web site eases transfer checks

The Board of Regents recently got a first look at a new web site that will make it easy for students to find out which community college credits transfer to the state universities. The regents also approved several new programs and ISU's compensation plan for FY09.

Regents updates.

ISU engineering dean resigns; will join University of Michigan faculty

Mark J. Kushner, dean of the College of Engineering at Iowa State University, has resigned to join the faculty at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, effective Sept. 1.

News release.

ISU's Achterberg resigns; accepts new post at Ohio State

Cheryl Achterberg, inaugural dean of Iowa State University's College of Human Sciences, has accepted a position at The Ohio State University, Columbus, effective July 1.

News release.

Iowa State once again named national center of excellence in information assurance

Iowa State University programs in computer security and information assurance have recently been recognized for academic excellence by two federal security agencies. This is the fourth time The National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security have designated Iowa State a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education.

News release.

'Live Green!': Iowa State's conservation, sustainability efforts are moving forward

President Gregory Geoffroy has announced several new programs as part of the Live Green! initiative. They include an Office of Sustainability Programs, a revolving loan fund to support green projects and a goal to achieve LEED gold certification on new construction and major renovations on campus.

News release.