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Friday, June 25 2004


Mark J. Kushner

Iowa State University selects new Engineering dean

Mark J. Kushner, Founder Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will become dean of Iowa State University's College of Engineering effective Jan. 1, 2005. He replaces Dean James Melsa, who will retire June 30. Provost Ben Allen will appoint an interim dean next week.

Go to news release.

ISU residence director resigns

Randy Alexander, director of the Department of Residence since 1996, will leave the university July 1 to pursue other employment interests, including consulting on campus housing master plans. Todd Holcomb, associate vice president for student affairs, will serve as interim director. A search for Alexander's replacement will begin in July.

Go to news release.

Norman Bourlaug

Nutritional Sciences Council lectures address world food needs

Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug and leaders from technology transfer organizations in Africa and Mexico will address ways to meet future global food needs during the 2004 Nutritional Sciences Council Summer Lectureship, June 28-July 2. The daily lectures are from 10 a.m. to noon in 1352 Gilman. All events are free and open to the public, including a reception at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

More on lectures.

Michael Crum

Iowa State's Michael Crum named DeVries Chair in Business

Michael Crum, professor of transportation and logistics, is the first recipient of the John and Ruth DeVries Endowed Chair in Business in Honor of Charles B. Handy. The chair was created to enhance teaching and scholarship in the business college. Handy was the first dean for the college in 1984.

Go to news release.

Kay Palan

Palan named to interim post in the College of Business

Kay Palan, associate professor of marketing, has been named the interim associate dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Business beginning July 1. She will be responsible for undergraduate curriculum, careers services and physical facilities.

Go to news release.

Renovated Vet Med veterinary teaching hospital will be named for Iowa State alumnus

Dr. Eugene and Linda Lloyd

(Click picture to download.)

When it is completed, the renovated teaching hospital at ISU's College of Veterinary Medicine will be named the Dr. Eugene and Linda Lloyd Veterinary Teaching Hospital, in honor of the lead private donors on the project. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, approved the name at its June 16 meeting.

In May, the Lloyds, of Fort Myers, Fla., made a gift to the college of $3.5 million, one-half of the private gift goal for the hospital renovation. Their gift is the largest ever to the college. The rest of the funding for the project will come from a bonding package approved by the Iowa Legislature this spring

Go to news release.

Davis named CIO at Iowa State University

James Davis

James Davis, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and interim director of Iowa State's Office of Academic Information Technologies (AIT), will become the university's chief information officer and director of AIT
July 1.

Provost Ben Allen announced Davis' appointment to a three-year, renewable term. His charge will be to oversee information technology services, special projects and new initiatives for the university. The leadership position is expected to result in greater coordination among the university's technology units, some long-term cost savings and increased IT alignment with Iowa State's strategic goals.

Go to news release.