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Wednesday, October 24 2007


New ISU Nutrition and Wellness Research Center Open House planned for Nov. 9

Iowa State's new Nutrition and Wellness Research Center (NWRC), located in Building 6 of ISU's Research Park, will conduct an open house on Friday, Nov. 9, from 3-7 p.m.

News release.

National Science Foundation study: Iowa State a technology licensing powerhouse

Quick look A study prepared with support from the National Science Foundation calls Iowa State University a "licensing powerhouse" for its work to transfer technologies developed on campus to businesses. In fiscal year 2005, in fact, the Iowa State University Research Foundation ranked second nationally in the number of technology licenses it executed.

News release.

Christopher Hitchens to speak Oct. 31

Author, commentator and National Book Award nominee Christopher Hitchens will speak at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. A columnist for Vanity Fair, The Nation and Slate, and a former foreign correspondent, Hitchens is the author of several books. His lecture is part of the World Affairs Series.

News release.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is ISU's fall Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics

U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) will be Iowa State's Fall 2007 Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics. The former First Lady and presidential candidate will present a free, public talk focusing on women and leadership on Wednesday, Oct. 24, at 5:30 p.m., in Stephens Auditorium, Iowa State Center. The event is free and open to the public.

News release.

Newt Gingrich to talk science before Iowa State globalization course

Newt Gingrich, speaker of the U.S. House from 1995 to 1999, will address Iowa State's Technology, Globalization and Culture class from 12:10-1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26, in the Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium of Howe Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.

News release.

ISU to host community college leadership conference in Kansas City Oct. 28-30

ISU's Community College Leadership Program (CCLP) has organized the inaugural "Education Practice in Leadership: Transforming Community Colleges Conference" at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo., Sunday through Tuesday, Oct. 28-30.

News release.

Alexander King


Ames Laboratory director named

Alexander King has been named the new director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory at Iowa State University.

News release.

ISU MBA program makes Aspen Institute's "Global 100" ranking of business schools

The MBA program from Iowa State University's College of Business is ranked 81st in the "Global 100" ranking by The Aspen Institute Center for Business Education, released this month in its "Beyond Grey Pinstripes 2007-2008" publication.

News release.

Iowa State University launches $800 million fundraising campaign

Iowa State University today publicly launched an $800 million comprehensive fundraising campaign that will raise private dollars to address the high-priority opportunities of the entire institution.

News release.

Football fans urged to take shuttle Saturday

Large portions of rain-soaked grass lots are unsuitable for parking at this Saturday's football game. Public parking near the stadium could be reduced by half or more and it's unlikely that any RVs and tailgate buses will be able to park on the grass. Officials urge fans to try the free CyRide shuttle from central campus.

News release.

ISU Road Scholar Tour gears up

President Gregory Geoffroy will accompany more than 30 new faculty and staff on the ISU Road Scholar Tour, Thursday, Oct. 25, with stops in Marshalltown, Iowa Falls, Mason City and State Center.

News release.

ISU food science and human nutrition chair named to governor's economic development board

Ruth MacDonald, professor and chair of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State, was appointed by Governor Chet Culver today to the Iowa Department of Economic Development Board. MacDonald will represent the life sciences industry on the board.

News release.

Presidential candidates to speak as part of caucus lecture series

Two Republican presidential candidates will be on campus next week as part of the Lectures Program's Presidential Caucus Series. Ron Paul will speak at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct 26, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Tom Tancredo will speak at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28, in the Memorial Union South Ballroom. The lecture series provides the university community with opportunities to question candidates or their representative before the precinct caucuses.

More information.

Two businesses with ISU ties win statewide Pappajohn Business Plan Competition

Two companies with Iowa State faculty founders finished first and second in the second annual statewide John Pappajohn Business Plan Competition. It is the second consecutive year that companies with Iowa State ties earned the top two prizes.

News release.

Iowa State professor's research shows Midwest forests losing diversity, complexity

Lisa Schulte, ISU assistant professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, has found that forests in the Upper Midwest have changed greatly since the time of the early settlers.

News release.