News Archive
Wednesday, November 5 2008
Humanitarian Action in the Twenty-first Century
Award-winning humanitarian advocate and former president of Doctors Without Borders, Dr. James Orbinski, will speak at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Orbinski accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 for the organization's pioneering approach to medical humanitarianism. His lecture is free and open to the public.
Student rock band lives, plays together in Iowa State residence hall
Members of the rock band "Tempest Rose" are all living together, thanks to ISU rooming assignments, in an Eaton Hall suite. The four West Des Moines Valley High graduates recently won ISU's Homecoming 2008 "Battle of the Bands" on Oct. 23.
Center for Study of Violence paper finds violent video game effects across cultures
A new study, led by ISU Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson, shows effects of violent video games on aggression over a 3-6 month period in children from Japan as well as the United States. Anderson also led the effort to establish the Center for the Study of Violence at Iowa State last fall.
Iowa State cell biology project awarded National Institutes of Health grant
The National Institutes of Health announced Thursday that "Meta!Blast," an interactive learning module for cell biology developed at Iowa State, will receive $771,500 as one of NIH's 16 Science Education Partnership Award recipients.

ISU President Geoffroy will travel to Asia to recruit students, strengthen academic and alumni ties
President Gregory Geoffroy will travel to Asia next month, in an effort to recognize and strengthen ISU's recruiting and alumni links. He'll make stops in Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Republic of China (Taiwan).
Iowa State crop genomics lab largest in nation
The largest cluster of plant databases in the nation has a new home, the Crop Genome Informatics Laboratory, a USDA-Agricultural Research Service and Iowa State University facility.
Agriculture and the arts joined at ISU through "Farmscape" play, campus group
ISU Distinguished Professor of English Mary Swander has found similarities between agriculture and the arts and is leading an effort to join them together in a new play, "Farmscape," and related campus Agarts group.
State fund advances titanium powder research, nine other Iowa State projects
Iowa State University has awarded 10 research projects a total of $945,246 from the state's Grow Iowa Values Fund. The grants are to advance projects with high potential to boost the state's economic development efforts.
Tuition rates proposed to regents
Board of Regents members got their first look at ISU's proposed tuition and fees increases Oct. 29. Iowa residents would see an overall rise of 4.5 (graduate) to 4.6 percent (undergraduate); non-residents would pay 3 percent more.
Three finalists for ISU research VP post to visit campus
Three finalists in the search for Iowa State University's next vice president for research and economic development will visit campus in the next week.