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Wednesday, September 27 2023

  • Show, don’t tell: Attracting a diverse workforce

    Over the last decade, a growing number of companies and organizations have included messages about diversity and inclusion as part of their employee recruitment efforts. New research explores how “pointing” and “activating” signals affect a job seeker’s initial attraction to and perceived fit with a company.

  • Lecture at Iowa State will tell the stories of Jack Trice and other Black college football players who sustained gridiron injuries

    Jaime Schultz, an author and professor of kinesiology at Penn State, will examine the legacy of Jack Trice and two other Black football players at Iowa institutions who sustained serious injuries on the gridiron during an upcoming lecture at Iowa State.

  • Centennial commemoration of Jack Trice closes with ceremony, posthumous degree

    Iowa State's year-long commemoration of Jack Trice on the 100th anniversary of his death will close at noon on Sunday, Oct. 8, with ceremonies on central campus. The event will include remarks, a memorial tribute, a choir performance, carillon chimes and the presentation of a posthumous degree to Trice family members. The event is free and open to the public.

  • Iowa State student selected for prestigious Fulbright-Hays fellowship

    An Iowa State University Ph.D. student will spend six months in Jordan working on her dissertation as part of the prestigious Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad program, administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The dissertation could help with the development of educational tools that teach Levantine Arabic, a dialect spoken from Syria to Jordan.

  • Expanded small town poll to focus on rural Iowa’s growing diversity

    The latest version of a once-a-decade Iowa State University poll that surveys rural Iowans about quality-of-life issues will focus on a rapidly growing segment of Iowa’s small towns.

  • Crime pushes entrepreneurs to fly under the radar, relocate or shutter

    New research shows entrepreneurs in Mexico become a greater target of crime as their businesses grow and become more profitable. The study also found entrepreneurs typically respond to crime in one of three ways: Truncating business growth, relocating or shutting down their operation.

  • Trump leads, followed by second tier of four candidates in ISU/Civiqs poll

    Donald Trump far outpaces other Republican presidential nominees in an Iowa State University/Civiqs poll, the first in a five-part, monthly series leading up to the 2024 Iowa Republican Caucuses. The poll also looks at second choice candidates and asks likely Republican caucus-goers who they do not support.

  • Iowa State ‘just felt like home’ and is home to 30,177 students this fall

    Iowa State’s total fall enrollment of 30,177, up 208 from the previous year, includes 25,332 undergraduate, 4,210 graduate and 635 veterinary medicine students, and students from all 99 Iowa counties, all 50 states and 117 countries. In addition to an increase in overall enrollment, first-year students increased 2.3% over last year, and 8.8% over two years.

  • Lecture will explore Ted Bundy’s past and the unsolved murder epidemic

    Renowned Iowa State University criminologist Matt DeLisi will deliver a lecture next week connecting notorious serial killer Ted Bundy with the wider problem of unsolved murders in the United States. In his recently published book, DeLisi builds an argument that Bundy’s murder count was likely 100 or more, a far greater total than the official count of around 30 young women and girls.

  • Crowdsourcing contests: Understanding what brings high rewards, low risk

    New research shows crowdsourcing contests for marketing content are associated with high returns -- but also high risks. Letting a crowd vote for professionally-created content can reduce volatility and put investors at ease.

  • ‘Broadband Prairie’ rural wireless project moves to public phase of researching, testing

    With wireless infrastructure installed in and around Ames, the $16 million ARA Wireless Living Lab for Smart and Connected Rural Communities is moving to a public testing phase. The progress will be celebrated with technical presentations and field trips during a launch event Sept. 6-8 on the Iowa State campus.

  • Economics lecture to explore the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

    Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University, will deliver the 2023 I.W. Arthur Memorial Lecture at Iowa State University. Cowen will discuss the benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence during the lecture, exploring his belief that those worried about AI are too willing to limit freedoms and empower government to reduce uncertainty and risk.

  • Ukrainian grain farmers now raising hogs benefit from ISU expertise

    Many Ukrainian farmers are raising hogs for the first time, converting cheap grain into needed meat. An Iowa State University swine health expert is helping Ukrainian farmers safely navigate the war-driven pivot to pork with a series of online workshops.