News Archive
Monday, March 22 2010
Mitt Romney will speak March 29
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will talk about his new book, "No Apology: The Case for American Greatness," at 7 p.m. Monday, March 29, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. His lecture is free and open to the public. News Release.

Study shows Iowas two hybrid school buses achieve at least 30 percent better mileage
Iowa State University's Institute for Transportation helped
bring two of the country's first hybrid-electric school
buses to the state. After two years of hauling Iowa students,
researchers say the buses burn significantly less fuel. But,
the buses also had electrical problems that kept the hybrid
systems from operating for long periods at a time.
Iowa State engineering students are making a difference in developing nations
Two ISU student organizations are combining their know-how and dedication to service to create more sustainable households and improve water quality in Mali, Africa. The student chapters of Engineers Without Borders and Material Advantage received a $5,000 grant from The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Foundation. They will use the funding to help make buildings weather-resistant, develop technologies that will provide the local village with safe, sustainable water; and fire insulating bricks for cooking stoves to reduce fuel use and harmful smoke.

Steven Hoff, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Nuisance farm odor is focus of Iowa State University researchers work
Steven Hoff, an Iowa State University professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, has developed a system for operating odor mitigation systems for concentrated animal feeding operations only when the weather is most likely to cause the odors to become a nuisance to neighbors. When the atmosphere is unstable, odors will travel less far and affect fewer neighbors. When the atmosphere is more stable, odors will travel farther and can be a nuisance to more neighbors, according to Hoff.

Flaxseed lignan tablets
NWRC study finds flaxseed lowers cholesterol in men
ISU summer workshop will explore culinary creativity to "Enhance Your Iowa Plate"
ISU architecture students work with Corning on affordable energy-efficient housing
Nadia Anderson's Bridge Studio is working with the people of Corning to create a prototype house that is both affordable and sustainable. The project is part of a larger collaboration between ISU Extension and local residents to reinvent the small community in southwest Iowa.

The six-credit Bridge Studio brings together upper-level College of Design students, architects, contractors, government agencies, community groups and residents of low-income neighborhoods to develop prototypes for affordable, energy-efficient, single-family housing. In 2008, students designed a house in Des Moines that was built by the Community Housing Development Corp.
ISU planning researcher studies global complexities of Iowa meatpacking towns
Although Gerardo Sandoval's new book is about the revitalization of a downtown Los Angeles immigrant community, he's finding the same intricate global relationships are at play in rural Iowa's meatpacking communities.

With their growing immigrant populations, towns like Perry and Postville are on "the cutting edge of globalization," says the Iowa State University assistant professor of community and regional planning. Sandoval's book, "Immigrants and the Revitalization of Los Angeles: Development and Change in MacArthur Park," (Cambria Press, 2010) tells the story of how a distressed, low-income immigrant neighborhood turned a large-scale redevelopment project to its advantage. The book offers lessons for other immigrant communities, large or small.