News Archive
Monday, February 11 2008
ISU study finds economic impact of ethanol in Iowa to support 8,169 jobs
ISU economist Dave Swenson has authored a new report, titled "The Economic Impact of Ethanol Production in Iowa." It projects that when the 15 ethanol plants currently under construction are brought online within a year or so, there will be 8,169 jobs supported by the state's 42 ethanol operations.
ISU anthropologist Pruetz named National Geographic Emerging Explorer for 2008
ISU Associate Professor of Anthropology Jill Pruetz has been selected as a National Geographic Emerging Explorer for 2008. The Emerging Explorers Program recognizes and supports young adventurers, scientists, photographers and storytellers -- rising talents who are already making a difference early in their fields.
Eggshells are small pleasures in 243 diverse collages by ISU artist
Exercising her "art" muscles by working in the studio daily during 2007, Art and Design Professor Ingrid Lilligren created 243 collages, using eggshells and dry pastels, and emailed the images to 90 of her closest friends. Although identical in size and structure, the "Small Pleasures" are as diverse as the colors of life. They will be exhibited Feb. 9-14 at Lilligren's studio in downtown Ames.
ISU's Bystrom predicts GOP race decided, Democrats still open after 'Super Tuesday'
Dianne Bystrom, director of ISU's Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, sees the biggest upset of 'Super Tuesday' being that John McCain could practically lock up the GOP nomination with a strong showing, while the final two Democratic candidates -- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- will probably split the vote and continue to battle each other for at least another month.
Iowa State chemists track how drug changes, blocks flu virus
Two Iowa State University chemists have discovered an anti-virus drug attacks influenza A by changing the motion and structure of a proton channel necessary for the virus to infect healthy cells. Mei Hong, the John D. Corbett Professor in Chemistry at Iowa State, said the findings are particularly important because mutations of the type A virus are resistant to the anti-virus drug.

An illustration of the structure of an enzyme.
Iowa State researcher studies how enzymes break down cellulose
Iowa State University's Peter Reilly is working to understand how the structures of enzymes influence their mechanism and activity in breaking down cellulose. His work is opening doors for new and better applications of enzymes. Better enzymes, for example, could be a key to making the production of cellulosic ethanol more efficient and more economical.
ISU becomes affiliate of Keep Iowa Beautiful
Iowa State is the first higher education institution in the state to earn affiliation with Keep Iowa Beautiful. The organization assists local cleanup and beautification through research, education and public awareness. The affiliation will provide the Keep Iowa State Beautiful committee with access to statewide resources and opportunities.

'Make Me A World'
ISU graduate student Marcus Glenn (right) was among Iowa State students who made education presentations to high school and middle school students during the "I'll Make Me A World in Iowa" celebration in Des Moines Jan. 25-26. The event highlighted African-American arts, culture and contributions.
New entrepreneurial professorship established in Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State is establishing one of the nation's first professorships in veterinary entrepreneurial studies.
Geoffroy's vision: Make ISU a model of energy efficiency
President Gregory Geoffroy envisions Iowa State University as a model of energy efficiency -- a university that leads the way in conserving and minimizing its impact on global climate change. He recently created a 16-member advisory committee to help him pursue that vision.