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Wednesday, February 13 2013

  • Positive employment outlook for Iowa State MBA graduates

    It is a busy time on campus with career fairs and employment recruiters meeting with students preparing to graduate this spring from Iowa State University. And with graduation still months away, the majority of students in the MBA program have already received their first job offer.

  • One-woman play will be presented Feb. 28 to help reduce stigma of eating disorders

    Iowa State will host "The Thin Line: Breaking the Silence on Eating Disorders" to begin the conversation about eating disorders, the mental illness with the highest fatality rate in the country. The one-woman play will be performed at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Following the 30-minute play, members of Iowa State's Student Counseling Service's eating disorder treatment team will lead a question-and-answer discussion and also discuss how to access services. It is free and open to the public.

  • "The Big Thirst" author will speak about the end of easy water Feb. 25

    As concerns about drought continue, the author of one of Amazon's Best Books of 2011 will speak at Iowa State about our strange and complex relationship with water and explain why we've reached the end of the era of easy water. Charles Fishman will present "The Big Thirst" at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. His talk is the keynote address for the University Symposium on Sustainability and part of the university's Symposium on Wildness, Wilderness and the Environmental Imagination, and the World Affairs Series. It is free and open to the public.

  • Iowa State professor defines connection between narcissism and envy

    Understanding the relationship between narcissism and envy may provide some insight into sudden outbursts of aggressive behavior. Narcissism has long been associated with envy in the field of psychology, but an Iowa State study provides new evidence about that connection.

  • Activities set for Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Feb. 25-28

    An estimated 25 percent of college students suffer from eating disorders, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. But only a fraction seek help. That's why Iowa State University's Student Counseling Service has sponsored on-campus activities during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week for more than 15 years. This year's events include a Sundance Festival documentary, a one-woman play, a student art gallery and group fitness sessions.

  • ISU livestock experts react to Russian ban on U.S. meat imports

    Russia has announced that it will ban U.S. beef and pork imports because of concerns surrounding the use of a feed additive that helps animals add lean mass rather than fat. But Russia’s decision won’t have an immediate sweeping impact on Iowa livestock producers, a livestock market expert at Iowa State University said this week.

  • Iowa State nutritionist says new rules for school vending machines are long overdue

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture is proposing new federal rules for foods and beverages sold in school vending machines, stores or as ala carte items in the cafeteria. The rules aim to cut down on the amount of calories, sodium and sugar in products sold to students during school hours.

  • Cake lover and cookbook author Warren Brown to speak Feb. 18

    Warren Brown, a lawyer-turned-baker and former host of the Food Network's "Sugar Rush," will speak about his unconventional career path at Iowa State. "CakeLove: Find Your Passion, Follow Your Calling," will be at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Brown is passionate about cake and the happiness it brings. He will speak about his own intriguing career path and how all of us can find our passion in our work – with or without cake. Brown's talk is free and open to the public.

  • ISU researchers receive grant to enhance soybean resistance to sudden death syndrome

    Researchers at Iowa State University will use a grant totaling more than $5 million to strengthen the genetic resistance of soybeans to sudden death syndrome, a disease that has cost Iowa soybean producers millions in crop losses.

  • ISU experts: Keep retirement savings on track despite financial setbacks

    In tough economic times it may be tempting to dip into or cut back on retirement savings. Financial counselors, however, say that’s a bad idea.

  • President Leath's statement regarding the Harkin Institute

    Iowa State University President Steven Leath responds to a vote by the Harkin Institute of Public Policy's advisory board late Tuesday. The board recommended Sen. Tom Harkin not leave his papers to Iowa State.

  • Economic study finds mortality and fertility factors in educational achievement

    Access to public schools is one explanation for the educational gap between students in rich and poor countries, but a new study shows other factors are more significant. An associate professor of economics at Iowa State University said students are more likely to drop out of school in countries with higher fertility and mortality rates.

  • Landscape architecture professor receives national planning award

    Christopher J. Seeger, an associate professor of landscape architecture and extension specialist, will receive a 2013 National Planning Achievement Award for Transportation Planning from the American Planning Association in April. Seeger won for his development of the geospatial planning tools and processes that help communities identify and collect information to create a Safe Routes to School program.

  • Agronomist at Iowa State contributes to development of experimental teaching method

    An agronomist at Iowa State University is contributing to the development of groundbreaking new techniques to teach undergraduate students complex scientific concepts related to genetics.  A paper published Friday in the journal Science details the use of complex data sets in the classroom to help students understand how genetic structures work.

  • Iowa State researchers work to identify early warning signs in juvenile offenders

    Red flags are easy to recognize in the days following a tragic event like a mass shooting. That’s why a group of Iowa State researchers is working to identify those early warning signs in juvenile offenders before they turn into a pattern of criminal behavior.

  • Iowa EPSCoR builds state’s research capacity in renewable energy and energy use

    Iowa EPSCoR is building the state's research capacity in renewable energy and energy use by hiring faculty, launching studies and building partnerships with schools and industry. The project is driven by a $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation and a $2 million grant from the Iowa Power Fund. The project is led by Iowa's three Regent universities, Iowa State University, the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa.

  • ISU Dance Marathon commits $1 million to UI Children’s Hospital

    A $1 million gift commitment from ISU Dance Marathon will benefit the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital building campaign. The gift will support efforts to build the new 14-story, 195-bed children’s hospital — Iowa’s only comprehensive children’s hospital and academic medical center. In recognition of the gift, a playroom inside the new UI Children’s Hospital will be named in honor of ISU Dance Marathon. Over the past 15 years, ISU Dance Marathon has generated more than $2 million in support for UI Children’s Hospital.

  • Two faculty win top awards in national juried art exhibition

    Two associate professors of integrated studio arts have won Juror's Awards at the 34th Annual Mesa Contemporary Crafts exhibition, one of the most highly selective shows of American traditional craft forms. Works by Joe Muench and Chris Martin were selected for awards by the sole juror, Jennifer Scanlan, who is associate curator of the Museum of Arts and Design, New York City. From 275 entries, only 47 were chosen. Of those, three won Juror's Awards.

  • Iowa State's Tom Hill appointed to NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions

    Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Hill has been appointed as a member of the NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions. His term of service will begin Aug. 1. Hill is one of eight new members named to the committee, which is expanding to create a more representative group and review cases more quickly.

  • Iowa State veterinary researchers receive grant to study improved strategies to contain food-borne pathogen

    A team of researchers led by veterinary medicine faculty at Iowa State University has received a $2.5 million grant to study Campylobacter, a food-borne bacteria responsible for thousands of hospitalizations in the United States every year.

  • New museum exhibit features treasures of textile and clothing collection

    Walking into the Textiles and Clothing Museum at Iowa State University is like traveling through history and visiting another culture all at the same time. In celebration of its fifth anniversary, the museum is featuring historical and ethnographical treasures from its collection of more than 10,000 pieces.

  • Financial Counseling Clinic aims to expand service by building student experience

    Demand for services at the Iowa State University Financial Counseling Clinic continues to grow, which is why the clinic is returning to its roots to better meet student needs. The goal is to expand services by giving students, who want to work in the financial field, more experience working as peer counselors.

  • President Leath's statement on governor's budget recommendation

    Iowa State University President Steven Leath has issued a statement regarding Gov. Terry Branstad's funding recommendations for the state's public universities.

  • Study takes new approach on assessing benefits of food stamps

    An Iowa State professor of economics helped develop a new framework to determine the benefit of government programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Using this framework, researchers determined SNAP reduces food insecurity among high-risk children by at least 20 percent and poor general health by at least 35 percent.

  • Iowa State cattle market expert foresees decreasing beef production in 2013

    Two years of liquidation, brought about by dry weather conditions in key cattle producing states, have put the beef industry in a tight supply situation, and declining production trends likely will continue throughout 2013 and 2014.

  • Screaming students to cheer on their teams, robots at FIRST LEGO League Championship

    The Iowa FIRST LEGO League Championship will be at Iowa State University's College of Engineering from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 19 in Howe Hall on the west edge of campus. Teams of students from across the state will show judges what they've learned about keeping seniors independent, engaged and connected to their communities. The event is free and open to the public.