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Tuesday, October 30 2018

  • Engineers develop ‘bury-and-forget’ sensors, data networks for better soil, water quality

    Iowa State's Jonathan Claussen is leading a team of engineers developing a system of low-cost, "bury-and-forget" soil sensors connected to a remote, wireless, data-collection network. Data collected by the system will help the engineers build better models of the interactions of fertilizer, soil and crops. Those models could help farmers reduce their use of fertilizer, which can run off fields and contribute to harmful algae blooms.

  • Iowa State University veterinarians trying to improve safety and efficiency in development of new drugs

    Iowa State University veterinary researchers are working with the Food and Drug Administration to advance an innovative in vitro model to study the oral absorption of therapeutic drugs without requiring testing on live animals. The work could lead to more efficient and safer development of new therapies for human and animal medicine.

  • Marketing’s influence on innovation enhances profits

    Firms are constantly developing new products and services to stay competitive in a global marketplace. Iowa State researchers say creating a product that sells and doesn’t flop takes the right combination of innovation and marketing. Their latest study found firms with high levels of marketing capabilities enhanced profits.

  • Playing video games to cope with anxiety may increase risk for addiction

    Understanding a person's motivation to play video games may be key to identifying some of the causes of gaming disorder. Iowa State University researchers found people who use video games as a coping mechanism for anxiety are more likely to have symptoms of gaming disorder, and higher levels of stress increased their risk for addiction.

  • Checkmate: How plant protein Feronia protects against bacterial attackers

    When bacterial pathogens invade a plant, a game of chess plays out inside the cells of the plant as the pathogen tries to hijack the genetic pathways that govern the plant’s disease response. In a newly published study, researchers at Iowa State University describe the tactics the pathogens and the plants use in this high-stakes standoff.

  • Researchers studying Marshalltown tornado’s impact on renter, immigrant households

    A disaster researcher at Iowa State University is examining how the tornado that hit Marshalltown this summer affected housing and different types of households – particularly immigrant households and renters – in order to understand what can be done in the future to address disaster recovery needs in the United States.

  • Unlimited spending on television political ads fails to deliver votes

    There is a reason it may seem as if every television ad right now is a political one. Millions of dollars are spent to reach voters through this one medium, but does it pay off on Election Day? According to a new Iowa State University study of political advertising for the 2016 Iowa caucuses, the candidates who spent more on TV ads generally received more support on caucus night, but this does not suggest a candidate can buy an election.

  • Researchers develop, test new system for making biorenewable chemicals

    The U.S. Department of Energy is supporting development of a new system for producing biobased chemicals that's based on the idea of "bioprivileged molecules." Researchers at the Center for Biorenewable Chemicals based at Iowa State University introduced the idea last year, saying such molecules have new and valuable properties that aren't possible from petrochemicals.

  • No, we’re not all working for a bunch of psychopaths

    Reports of corporate scandals and misdeeds would seem to support the headlines suggesting that many CEOs are psychopaths. But a new study from Iowa State University and University of Alabama researchers found such claims to be overblown. Contrary to public perception, they say the relationship between leadership and psychopathy is weak.

  • Study to explore how cognitive development shapes attitudes about physical activity

    Iowa State University researchers are working to understand how the emotional connection we develop with physical activity as children influences attitudes and behaviors throughout our lifetime. They suspect our prefrontal cortex, which regulates emotions, plays a significant role.

  • Etched glass project illuminates microscopic disease to promote health literacy

    The complexity and stress of a cancer diagnosis in Kimberly Moss’ family prompted her to start a project addressing health literacy. Moss, coordinator of Iowa State’s biological and premedical illustration program, created “The Landscapes Within,” giving viewers larger-than-life details of different defense mechanisms and cellular relationships in the body.

  • Iowa State University researcher developing new industrial uses for wax made from soybean oil

    Researchers at Iowa State University are exploring new uses for soybean oil, including as a coating for cardboard products that would be greener than widely used paraffin wax. The research could open new markets for soybeans at a time when grain prices remain stubbornly low.

  • ISU experts available to comment on 2018 midterm elections

    Voters will head to the polls on Nov. 6 to cast their ballots in the midterm elections. Iowa State University political experts are available to discuss expected turnout, the record number of women candidates and policy issues, such as health care and immigration. 

  • Asking questions, testing improves student learning of new material

    Iowa State University researchers know memory retrieval is beneficial for new learning, but their new meta-analysis found there are limits. The research shows the frequency and difficulty of questions can reverse the effect and be detrimental to learning. It also is not enough to simply ask a question; students must respond to see a positive effect on learning.