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Thursday, June 14 2007


Iowa State partners with ISEA, Farm Bureau on presidential candidate events

Iowa State University has established a partnership with the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and the Iowa State Education Association to sponsor a nationally telecast debate for Republican presidential candidates Nov. 6.

News release.

Agriculture college gets a new name

Iowa State University's College of Agriculture is now the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

News release.

Threat of ground transport terrorism still very real, says Iowa State professor

ISU Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Mike Crum documented ground transportation security issues for a chapter titled "Transportation Management" for the "Handbook of Global Supply Chain Management" (Sage Publishing, 2007).

News release.

Iowa State tornado lab on CNN

CNN went live from Iowa State University's Wind Simulation and Testing Laboratory during the "American Morning with John Roberts and Kiran Chetry" show Friday, June 8. The story is on the Web at Scroll down and click on "Tornado technology."

News release.

ISU to host meeting to address Colony Collapse Disorder in bees, other topics

ISU will host an international meeting of pollination experts who will address, among other topics, Colony Collapse Disorder--the latest phenomenon that is affecting the number of bees pollinating food crops.

News release.

Iowa State biodiesel research featured on public television

Iowa Public Television featured a visit to Victor Lin's Iowa State University chemistry lab during a recent episode of "Farmers' Almanac TV." The "Iowa Biodiesel" segment is also on the show's video Web site.

News Release.

Rolls-Royce acquires license to use Iowa State discovery that improves jet engines

Rolls-Royce Corp. has acquired exclusive rights to use a coating invented by Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory researchers. The coating helps turbine blades withstand metal temperatures approaching 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit inside a jet engine.

News release.

Looking for better biofuel crops

Ames Lab analytical chemist Emily Smith is using Raman imaging to study plant cell structure and composition to determine what plant crops might serve as more cost-effective and sustainable feed stock for ethanol production than using corn.

News release.

ISU political scientists ponder Thompson's GOP entry, Clinton's Iowa strategy

Two Iowa State political scientists assess Fred Thompson's decision to run for the Republican presidential nomination among an already crowded field, and why national party favorite Hillary Clinton just can't seem to overtake John Edwards for the polling lead among likely Iowa caucus voters on the Democratic side.

News release.

Iowa State experts primed to discuss effects of high gasoline prices

Iowa State University faculty and staff experts are available to provide comment on the societal and economic ramifications of such high gasoline prices, as well as some alternative options.

See list.