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Friday, June 18 2010


Iowa State solar car team qualifies for 1,100-mile American Solar Challenge

Team PrISUm has qualified for the 1,100-mile American Solar Challenge, a June 20-26 race from Tulsa to Chicago for student-designed and student-built solar cars. The team is still working to fix some electrical problems that have slowed the car.

News release.

ISU student learns alternative spring break leadership skills thanks to scholarship

Iowa State's Alternative Breaks program is getting a boost with some help from an enthusiastic graduate student and a supportive nonprofit organization. Break Away: The Alternative Break Connection Inc., Atlanta, Ga., awarded Iowa State a scholarship to send a student to a conference in the Dominican Republic to learn how to train alternative break trip leaders. ISU is sending counseling psychology graduate student Jeritt Tucker. Alternative breaks are immersive community service projects for college students.
News release.

Geoffroy and Pollard on Big 12

During a June 15 news conference, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy and Director of Athletics Jamie Pollard discussed the decision to continue the Big 12 league as a 10-member coalition.

News release and video.

Religious studies director Bado documents popularity of religious games, dolls in book

Nikki Bado, an associate professor and director of religious studies at ISU, co-authored the book "Toying with God: The World of Religious Games and Dolls," (Feb. 2010, Baylor University Press). She says the proliferation of religious merchandise aimed at a wide consumer audience -- including both educational and "fun-based" games and toys for children -- is one reason this month's International Christian Retail Show 2010 in St. Louis, Mo., will be so massive.

Rock stars, Hollywood take a look at Iowa State researcher’s unique 3-D technology

Iowa State's Song Zhang regularly hears from Hollywood, video game and music video producers. They're all interested in his unique 3-D imaging technology. With the help of some simple hardware and some powerful software, Zhang can make real-time, high-resolution, 3-D images.

College of Business researchers provided feasibility data for Port of Des Moines project

A team of researchers from Iowa State's College of Business conducted a feasibility study for a potential Port of Des Moines back in 2001. Des Moines Inland Port partners recently launched a virtual port, which was the first recommendation in the ISU study, and are discussing the concept this week at a confererence of North America's SuperCorridor Coalition Inc. in Des Moines.
News release.

Saving the soil and maintaining corn yields: ISU early research says yes to both

Iowa State University researchers are testing between-row cover grasses as part of research looking at ways to reduce soil runoff and keep vital nutrients in the soils while crop residue, called stover, is removed from farm fields to produce biofuels. With U.S. government targets requiring a 30 percent displacement of petroleum consumption with fuels made from biomass by the year 2030, agronomy researchers are studying methods of harvesting more and more stover, which previously was left on the field. Two years into a study, research is showing that yield can be maintained at high levels using environmentally friendly practices.

News release.

ISU architecture students study sustainable development in Berlin during June

A group of architecture students from the College of Design is in Berlin this month studying issues of climate change and sustainable urban development. They are involved in Summer Academy Berlin, a monthlong program founded in 2006 as a collaboration between the Beuth Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Pratt Institute, New York. This is the first year Iowa State has been involved in the academy, and ISU is the only school with both graduate and undergraduate participants.

News release.

Iowa State’s Formula Team believes it has finally found the speed in its race car

Iowa State's Formula Team is getting ready for the June 16-19 Formula SAE California competition sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers. The team's students will race their mini open-wheel racer in acceleration, cornering, autocross, endurance and fuel economy events. They'll also work to impress judges during a technical inspection, a cost and manufacturing analysis, a business presentation and an engineering design contest.
News release.

Entrepreneurship professor poses questions to determine an idea's entrepreneurial merit

Howard Van Auken, the Bob and Kay Smith Fellow in Entrepreneurship in Iowa State's College of Business, provides advice to determine whether a good business idea has entrepreneurial merit.

ISU spring graduate named to USA Today's All-USA College Academic First Team

Nora Tobin, a May 2010 graduate, has been named to USA Today's 2010 All-USA College Academic First Team. Tobin is one of 20 winners chosen from among hundreds of juniors and seniors nominated by colleges nationwide. USA Today honors students who excel academically while also extending "their reach beyond the classroom to benefit society." Winners receive a $2,500 award. Tobin graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor's degree in political science and international studies.

Iowa State departments will be honored with Environmental Excellence awards

ISU Dining, the Department of Residence and Facilities Planning & Management will be recognized by Gov. Chet Culver on June 28 for leadership and innovation in the protection of Iowa's natural resources. The ISU departments will accept an Environmental Excellence Award and receive special recognition in water quality.

DNR news release.