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Thursday, March 5 2015

  • Marriage more likely to end in divorce when wives get sick, according to ISU study

    A new Iowa State University study analyzed the divorce rate for couples in which either spouse was diagnosed with a serious illness. The study, published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, found a higher probability of divorce for couples in which wives got sick. However, a husband’s illness did not increase the risk for divorce.

  • Iowa State University, Cedar Rapids partner on agricultural bioprocessing

    Officials from Iowa State and the City of Cedar Rapids today announced the establishment of an ISU research and extension liaison position. The liaison will have an office in Cedar Rapids, and will work closely with the city's processing industries to identify opportunities for collaborating with Iowa State scientists, engineers, extension and economic development specialists.

  • Architecture professor builds public interest design hub at Iowa State University

    Eight years ago, Nadia Anderson blazed trails at Iowa State University when she offered a community design project as an optional studio class for architecture students. The idea of students collaborating with community residents to address issues through design was the exception in many design schools. Now, Anderson is one of several faculty in the College of Design whose students work with Iowa’s urban neighborhoods and rural communities on design projects. 

  • Iowa State University agronomist helps NASA satellite measure soil moisture

    With the help of an Iowa State University agronomist, a recently launched NASA satellite will record moisture content in soil across the globe.

  • Iowa State engineers developing pavement technologies to clear snow and ice from runways

    Iowa State University researchers are developing new technologies to keep airport runways clear of snow and ice. The project is supported, in part, by the Federal Aviation Administration and its Center of Excellence Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability, or PEGASAS. Partnership researchers are studying a variety of issues at smaller airports, including airport technology, flight safety and adverse weather operations.

  • New consortium launched to conserve monarch butterfly habitat in Iowa

    The Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium, established through the efforts of Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, will take a science-based approach to enhancing monarch butterfly reproduction and assist community-led implementation efforts.

  • Mayo Clinic doctor will discuss physical inactivity as disease in ISU lecture March 5

    A Mayo Clinic physician-researcher who is a leading voice in the world of exercise physiology will speak at Iowa State University. Dr. Michael Joyner will present "Physical Inactivity: Should We Consider It a Disease?" at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 5. in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Joyner's research focuses on how humans respond to various forms of physical and mental stress during exercise. The Department of Kinesiology's 2014-15 Pease Family Scholar, Joyner's talk is free and open to the public.

  • Iowa State professor working to improve mental health care for veterans

    Tasked with leading an independent evaluation of Veterans Affairs mental health services has given Alicia Carriquiry a new perspective as to the challenges veterans and their families face. It’s an issue the Distinguished Professor of statistics at Iowa State University was aware of before being appointed chair of the Institute of Medicine committee conducting the review. But she never fully understood the need for better mental health services until listening to parents, spouses and veterans’ advocates testify about their situation – stories she will never forget.

  • YWCA Ames-ISU will honor three Iowa State women March 5

    Three ISU women whose leadership and involvement have contributed to empowering women and/or eliminating racism will be honored by the YWCA Ames-ISU at the Women of Achievement Awards. The Ames-ISU community is invited to attend the ceremony and reception on Thursday, March 5. The YWCA Ames-ISU is a student organization that has served Story County on the ISU campus since 1890 with activites dedicated to empowering all women.

  • Iowa State financial experts say now is the time to set a new savings goal

    Starting a savings plan is really no different than starting a diet or new exercise routine; both require changing behaviors in order to be successful, say Iowa State University financial experts. The first step is setting a specific, attainable goal. Helping Americans take that first step is what “America Saves Week” is all about.

  • Design piracy focus of Iowa State professor’s lecture to air on C-SPAN’s American History TV

    Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but in the world of fashion it can be costly. Most consumers are unaware of design piracy and its impact on the fashion industry. The topic is the focus of Sara Marcketti’s class lecture that will be featured C-SPAN’s American History TV.

  • Iowa State University veterinary researcher studies impact of disease and climate change on camel herd in Africa

    An Iowa State University veterinary researcher is helping to protect camel herds in East Africa from the ravages of climate change and disease, a project that will strengthen food security and human health for people throughout the region. The project seeks to build the capacity of veterinary labs in Ethiopia and nearby countries to work on diseases that threaten camels.