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Thursday, April 26 2012


Iowa State's design college and alumni association partner with Iowa Prison Industries

When the director of Iowa Prison Industries (IPI) wanted to update the design of some furniture and wood products manufactured by offenders, he came to Iowa State University. Enter Chris Martin, associate professor of integrated studio arts, who teaches advanced furniture design. Martin transformed the potential partnership into a comprehensive project that turns downed campus trees into funding for promising artists.

Iowa State design students create an oversize toy for Reiman Gardens

Associate Professor of Architecture Mitchell Squire's innovative teaching and his students' discoveries will be on view from April 27 through Nov. 16 at Reiman Gardens, in conjunction with the LEGO Nature Connects exhibit. Students in Squire's TOYS! Studio created a conservatory building exhbit that embraces basic toy forms like a pinwheel and cannon to create a world of wonder and delight.

Iowa State NAMA chapter wins national agri-marketing competition

Iowa State's National Agri-Marketing Association chapter has won first place in the association's annual student marketing competition, finishing ahead of 29 other universities for the top honor.

Iowa State engineers load new Iowa Falls bridge with damage-detection gauges

Iowa State University engineers are working with the Iowa Department of Transportation to develop and test a comprehensive monitoring system on the new bridge near downtown Iowa Falls. The system will take continuous, real-time measurements of corrosion, strain, surface conditions, moisture within the bridge's steel arch and structure movements over time.

Dean of Students finalists will interview on campus through May 2

Four finalists in the search for Iowa State's next dean of students will interview on campus through May 2.

Students make choices to hold down meal plan rates

Every year, ISU Dining Director Nancy Levandowski asks her student clients what services they want to add, what services they can live without, and what price increase is acceptable. The students have made some choices that will result in a 0 percent increase in meal plan prices next fall, if approved by the Board of Regents on April 26.

Landscape architect and urbanist to present P.H. Elwood Lecture at ISU April 27

Chris Guillard, an accomplished San Francisco designer of public landscapes will present the 2012 P.H Elwood Lecture in Landscape Architecture, "P.S.T. Places-Systems-Things," at 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 27, in the Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design.Guillard's work and research focus on the value of public open space and urban landscapes that integrate multiple functions into communities. His presentation is free and open to the public.

Three finalists named in provost search

David Manderscheid, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Carlo Montemagno, Founding Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati; and Jonathan Wickert, dean of the College of Engineering at Iowa State, have been named finalists in the search for ISU's senior vice president and provost. They will be on campus later this month to meet with members of the university community and participate in open forum events.