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Wednesday, June 23 2010


Iowa African-American Hall of Fame to induct new members

The Iowa African-American Hall of Fame, housed in ISU's Black Cultural Center, will induct new members at an Aug. 6 ceremony in Des Moines. Tickets for the reception and banquet are available through Rose Wilbanks, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, at (515) 294-1909.

News release.

ISU researcher develops green, bio-based process for producing fuel additive

A new green, bio-based method for producing a much-used fuel additive and industrial chemical that is currently made from petroleum products has been developed by Iowa State University researcher Thomas Bobik.

New release.

Team PrISUm makes progress on day three of American Solar Challenge

Team PrISUm made enough makeshift repairs to its solar race car to have a good run on Tuesday. There's still work to do, and the team's car is way behind the race leaders, but team members says they're encouraged by the day's showing.

News release.

Iowa State to host Summer Carillon Concert Series

The Summer Carillon Concert Series resumes on the Iowa State campus starting Tuesday, June 29. A guest carillonneur will perform each month during June, July and August. ISU carillonneur and Associate Professor of Music Tin-Shi Tam (pictured) will conclude the series Sept. 12 when she is joined by the ISU percussion ensemble and brass quintet.

ISU student learns alternative spring break leadership skills thanks to scholarship

Iowa State's Alternative Breaks program is getting a boost with some help from an enthusiastic graduate student and a supportive nonprofit organization. Break Away: The Alternative Break Connection Inc., Atlanta, Ga., awarded Iowa State a scholarship to send a student to a conference in the Dominican Republic to learn how to train alternative break trip leaders. ISU is sending counseling psychology graduate student Jeritt Tucker. Alternative breaks are immersive community service projects for college students.
News release.