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Saturday, September 5 2009


Greenlee School adjusts offerings to prepare students for a new age of journalism

Iowa State's Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication continues to attract students -- with 650 to 750 students each of the past five years -- in spite of the massive downsizing of print media nationally. School officials are addressing the current curriculum to better serve students in a new digital age of journalism.

News release.

Harls pledge $1.5 million to renovate Curtiss Hall

Long-time faculty member Neil Harl and his wife, Darlene, have pledged $1.5 million toward renovations of Curtiss Hall, the iconic building housing the main offices of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Neil Harl is a Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences and emeritus professor of economics at Iowa State.

News release.

Iowa State faculty forums to address nation's most critical issues

The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Committee on Lectures are sponsoring a series of faculty forums highlighting the research of several Iowa State faculty members, as well as some outside experts, on timely topics. All the free, public forums will be held at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall, Memorial Union. The first forum, slated for Thursday, Sept. 10, will address health care reform.

News release.

ISU receives high marks in Washington Monthly’s annual college rankings

Iowa State ranks 32nd among 258 colleges and universities in Washington Monthly's 2009 national university college rankings. The rankings, out this week, rate schools on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories - improving social mobility, producing research and promoting public service.

ISU gets high marks for federal work-study funds spent on service (ranked No. 4), science and engineering degrees awarded (ranked No. 33), ROTC (ranked No. 55), research expenditures (ranked No. 63) and faculty in national academies (ranked no. 79).

More information.

Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu to speak at Iowa State on Sept. 17

Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu will give a free, public lecture titled "Global Hopscotch: The Borderless World and the Search for Home," at 8 p.m., on Thursday, Sept. 17, in the Sun Room of ISU's Memorial Union.

News release.

ISU researcher measures effectiveness of activity-promoting video games

Lorraine Lanningham-Foster, an ISU assistant professor of food science and human nutrition, is conducting research on the measurable health benefits of the more active games -- such as Wii Fit™, EA SPORTS Active™ and Dance Dance Revolution™.

News release.

Public invited to listen, learn from leaders in global technology, culture

The public is invited to hear a varied lineup of guest speakers address Iowa State's "Technology, Globalization and Culture" course this fall. The lectures are generally at 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium of Howe Hall. News release.