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Monday, August 22 2011


State Gym opening delayed; student fees will be partially credited

Due to an unexpected delay in the delivery of construction materials, ISU's remodeled State Gym and its 94,000 square-foot addition will not open until spring semester 2012, prompting Iowa State University officials to credit a portion of student fees this semester.

News release.

Historic 'Campaign Iowa State' generates $867 million

The most successful fundraising effort in Iowa State University history - Campaign Iowa State: With Pride and Purpose - concluded with more than $867 million received in gifts and commitments.

ISU Foundation news release.

Global health care humanitarian Dr. Paul Farmer to speak at Iowa State Aug. 25

Photo by Mark Rosenberg, Partners in Health

Global humanitarian and medical anthropologist Dr. Paul Farmer will kick off Iowa State's fall lectures with a talk on "Haiti after the Earthquake" at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 25, in Stephens Auditorium. His talk is part of the university's World Affairs Series, and is free and open to the public. Dedicating his life to improving health care for the world's poorest people, Farmer is a founding director of Partners in Health. The international nonprofit organization provides direct health care services, research and advocacy on behalf of those who are sick and live in poverty. Farmer also is chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
News release.

Internationally renowned landscape architect Ken Smith to receive Christian Petersen Design Award at ISU

Museum of Modern Art Roof Garden. Photo © Peter Mauss/Esto.

Iowa State University alumnus Ken Smith, the landscape architect behind both the Museum of Modern Art Roof Garden in New York and the redesign of Nollen Plaza in Des Moines, is the recipient of the 2011 Christian Petersen Design Award presented by the ISU College of Design. He will be honored in a ceremony Monday, Aug. 22, in the King Pavilion. The award is given annually to alumni, staff and friends of the university for distinguished work that advances the design and art professions.
News release.

ISU anthropology professor studying the Fighting Sioux mascot controversy

Christina Gish Hill -- an assistant professor of anthropology and faculty member in American Indian studies at Iowa State -- has been so intrigued by the legal controversy at the University of North Dakota over the use of its Fighting Sioux mascot (right) that she plans to write a future journal article about it. Hill says she can't recall another case involving the use of Indian nicknames and mascots that reached this legal extreme.

ISU study uses iPhone GPS tools to assist 12 Iowa towns with their Safe Routes to School programs

An Iowa State University-Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) study uses high-tech devices to encourage low-tech solutions to escalating childhood obesity rates in Iowa. This month the researchers are providing the 12 communities with the study results they'll need to achieve the goal: Create safe routes for children to walk and bike to school. Christopher Seeger, ISU associate professor of landscape architecture and extension specialist, spearheaded I-WALK (Iowans Walking Assessment Logistics Kit) project.
News release.