News Archive
Wednesday, May 30 2012

Cyclone Power Pullers say new design, utility and driveline should boost performance
The Cyclone Power Pullers have been busy building, testing and refining two 1/4-scale pulling tractors for a May 31-June 3 competition sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. The students like the design and performance changes they've built into the two machines.
ISU researcher studies education paths of Iowa GED program enrollees

Among 11,675 Iowa high school dropouts who enrolled in the General Education Development (GED) preparation program during the 2003-04 fiscal year, fewer than a third (31.5 percent or 3,680) earned a GED by the end of the 2009 fiscal year. And only 2 percent (229) completed a community college credential, according to the doctoral dissertation by Andrew Ryder, a research and evaluation scientist in Iowa State's Research Institute for Studies in Education.

Newly modified nanoparticle opens window on future gene editing technologies
Iowa State University researchers are using nanoparticles originally developed by the late Victor Lin to simultaneously deliver proteins and DNA into plant cells. The technology could allow more sophisticated and targeted editing of plant genomes. And that could help researchers develop crops that adapt to changing climates and resist pests. The discovery has been published online by the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Pamela Anthony named dean of students

Pamela Anthony, who has served as assistant dean of students at Georgia State University since 2003, will begin as Iowa State's dean of students on Aug. 1. Anthony has extensive experience in student crisis intervention, judicial affairs, student activities and Greek life. Previously, she was the director of student activities at Spelman College, and held two positions at the University of Alaska.