News Archive
Tuesday, August 25 2009

Photo by Bob Elbert.
Design students begin classes Aug. 24 under Iowa State University's first green roof
Iowa State University's first green roof atop the College
of Design's new King Pavilion already is hard at work,
reducing stormwater runoff, moderating the building's
temperature and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. The roof
is one of several green components in the $6.6 million addition
that will provide much-needed instructional studio space for
design students beginning the first day of classes, Monday,
Aug. 24. The building will be dedicated the same day during a
ceremony in the college at 5:15 p.m. A reception and tours will
Charges filed against Reinig
ISU Police and the Iowa Attorney General's Office have
charged Pamela Ann Reinig of Elkader with two felonies
following a state audit that found Reinig had deposited Iowa
State University funds into her personal bank account over a
period of years. Reinig is the former director of ISU's
Engineering Communications & Marketing department.
ISU Police news
Google provides e-mail system for ISU students
Iowa State University students have a new e-mail system powered by Google. The new system is called "CyMail," but it looks and feels like Google's Gmail.
Iowa State faculty attract $7.7 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grants
Iowa State University researchers have won 19 grants worth a total of $7.7 million that are supported by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The grants range from $2 million for a study of a bio-engineering technology that could produce biological hydrocarbons for biofuels to $600,000 for a study of cell membranes to $51,710 for a study of how the Ebola virus can inhibit a body's antiviral response.
Iowa State experts weigh in to provide perspective on health care reform debate
Five Iowa State experts provide perspectives on the health care reform debate, addressing the complexities of health care consumers, communicating the reform plan, costs, the uninsured, and hidden prescription medication costs.
U.S. News rankings: Iowa State remains among top 25 percent of public national universities
Iowa State University is among the top one-fourth of all public national universities in U.S. News & World Report's 2010 "America's Best Colleges" annual rankings. The rankings have Iowa State tied for 39th (up from 40th last year) among 164 best national public universities. And, for the eighth straight year, the magazine has included Iowa State's learning communities among its "Programs to Look For."
ISU mathematician part of research team to improve a plastic surgery procedure
Mathematics is playing a role in efforts by plastic surgeons to ensure success of live tissue transfers from one part of a person's body to another. And Anastasios Matzavinos, assistant professor of mathematics at Iowa State, is part of the research team that has shown how mathematics can take the guesswork out of such transfers.
New Iowa State supercomputer, Cystorm, unleashes 28.16 trillion calculations per second
Cystorm, Iowa State University's second supercomputer, is capable of a peak performance of 28.16 trillion calculations per second. It will help Iowa State researchers advance their work in materials science, power systems and systems biology. It is also earning Iowa State recognition as a Sun Microsystems Center of Excellence in Engineering Informatics and Systems Biology.
ISU personal finance professor takes students to school on managing their money
Tahira Hira, an Iowa State professor of personal finance and consumer economics in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, would like to see fewer college students experience financial distress. She offers them some no-nonsense tips to help them manage their money better.