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Tuesday, May 9 2017

  • New Iowa State University research will help to refine treatments for global parasitic disease

    ISU biomedical researchers have broken new ground in understanding the genome of a parasitic roundworm that infects 2 million people worldwide. The research could lead to more effective treatments to combat the parasites.

  • How Pokémon GO can help students build stronger communication skills

    Technology continues to change the way students learn and engage with their peers, parents and community. That is why Emily Howell, an assistant professor in Iowa State University’s School of Education, is working with teachers to develop new ways to incorporate digital tools in the classroom, including playing games such as Pokémon GO.

  • Iowa State University agronomist urges farmers to commit to weed control despite added expense

    Farmers may consider cutting corners with their weed management strategy this growing season to save money in the face of tight profit margins, but an ISU agronomist said doing so will encourage the development of herbicide resistance and cost farmers more in the long run.

  • Astronomers confirm nearby star a good model of our early solar system

    Iowa State University's Massimo Marengo is part of a research team that has confirmed a nearby star's planetary system contains separate belts of asteroids, similar to our own solar system. The star is also about one-fifth the age of our sun. All that makes this star a good model of the early days of our solar system. The findings have just been published by The Astronomical Journal.

  • Graduates see career opportunities in growing demand for big data analytics

    The answers to some of the challenges businesses face can be found in the volumes of data many corporations collect. The problem is much of that data is messy and requires employees with the analytical skills to find the answers. With that in mind, Iowa State University's College of Business designed an online Master of Business Analytics program to help employees build their analytical skills. The program's first cohort of students will graduate this spring.

  • Iowa State graduate from Glidden says goodbye to four years as Cy

    'Fess up, Cyclone Nation. We like to think that between games and matches and tailgates and banquets, Cy resides in a cozy penthouse atop Hilton Coliseum. After all, it’s tough to believe that our beloved mascot's duties are fulfilled by a mere mortal student. And sooner or later that student is bound to graduate.

  • Iowa State University graduate destined to make a world of difference

    Christina Gonzalez probably inherited her spirit of adventure from her mother, who left family and friends in Mexico at 18 to seek a better future. Gonzalez will celebrate with her immigrant parents when she graduates from Iowa State University on Saturday, May 6, with a bachelor’s degree in global resource systems and minors in anthropology and political science. She is on her way to becoming a foreign service officer.

  • Integrated reality opening new opportunities for students and users

    Students in James Lathrop's class have spent the semester working in the world of integrated reality. They've developed a video game using the Microsoft Hololens, which allows gamers to interact with holograms in their own environment. 

  • ISU architecture students take top 10 win in national AIA sustainable design competition

    A team of architecture graduate students is among the winners of the third annual AIA COTE Top Ten for Students competition, which recognizes 10 projects that demonstrate “creative and innovative integration of daylighting, materials, water, energy and ecological systems, through a cohesive and beautiful architectural understanding.” Iowa State's project, “The Apicenter,”  is an adaptive reuse project for Ogden's Howe Elementary School.Their design will be on display April 27-29 at the AIA Conference on Architecture 2017 in Orlando, Florida, and exhibited again at the 106th ACSA Annual Meeting in Denver, in March 2018.

  • Margaret and L. Eugene Chamberlin win Greenlee School’s 2017 Schwartz Award

    Margaret “Margy” and the late L. Eugene “Gene” Chamberlin will receive the 2017 James W. Schwartz Award from Iowa State University’s Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. The annual award recognizes distinguished service to journalism and mass communication. In 2007, the Chamberlins established one of the Greenlee School’s signature programs, the Chamberlin Lecture series, to bring national perspectives in news and advertising to campus.

  • Competition limits self-interests that pose potential problems for corporations

    New research by an Iowa State University professor of management examines how competing interests within an organization can limit egregious unethical behavior. David King says there needs to be a restructuring of corporate governance, so more people are at the table making decisions.

  • MEDIA ADVISORY: Iowa State agriculture experts available to comment on spring planting

    Iowa State University agricultural experts are available for media interviews regarding the 2017 planting season, which is set to get underway shortly. ISU experts are watching the commodity markets, weather patterns and soil conditions that will shape this year's growing season in Iowa.

  • Iowa State professor: Technology is great, but are we prepared for the consequences?

    Dependence on technology has dramatically changed how we communicate and interact, and is slowly eroding some of our core principles, said Michael Bugeja, professor and director of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University. In his new book, Bugeja looks at its impact on everything from fake news to texting while driving. 

  • Musical beds: Iowa State professor finds co-sleeping is more common than some parents admit

    Parents know that co-sleeping is considered a no-no, but many still allow their children to crawl into bed with them at night. Doctors generally discourage co-sleeping, but Susan Stewart, a professor of sociology at Iowa State University, says it is a phenomenon that extends well beyond the infant and toddler years.

  • Cross-cultural study strengthens link between media violence and aggressive behavior

    New Iowa State research offers compelling evidence that media violence affects aggressive behavior. This first-of-its-kind study, conducted in seven different countries, confirms six decades of research showing the effect is the same, regardless of culture. 

  • Iowa State researchers use graphene, electricity to change stem cells for nerve regrowth

    Two Iowa State research groups are combining their expertise to change stem cells for nerve regrowth. The groups -- led by Jonathan Claussen of mechanical engineering and Surya Mallapragada of chemical and biological engineering -- just published their findings in the scientific journal Advanced Healthcare Materials.

  • Iowa State University researchers untangle the molecular mechanisms connecting plant stress and growth

    ISU researchers are piecing together the genetic mechanisms that link plant growth and stress response. In a new paper, the research group links autophagy, an important energy recycling function, with slower growth during stress conditions. Autophagy plays a key role in animals as well as plants.

  • 100 years later Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’ still influential

    This month marks the 100th anniversary of Marcel Duchamp’s "Fountain." The controversial work of art, which was nothing more than a urinal turned upside down, is still an influential piece a century later.