News Archive
Sunday, August 21 2005
Geoffroy, Skorton on "Talk" Aug. 23
President Gregory Geoffroy will be joined by University of Iowa President David Skorton during the 10-11 a.m. segment of "Talk of Iowa" on Tuesday, Aug. 23. The live, call-in program airs on WOI-AM (640). Questions can be sent in advance to
Folklorist seeks "taste of place" recipes
An Iowa folklorist is gathering recipes for Iowa foods that evoke a "taste of place."
$10 million to ISU-based concrete center
A $10 million federal appropriation to an Iowa State University-based concrete technology center will help engineers from coast to coast develop pavements that last longer and need less maintenance.
Play equipment innovators honored
Steven and Barbara King, who turned the concept of continuous play into a successful children's play equipment company, are the recipients of the 2005 Christian Petersen Design Award from the College of Design.
Engineering College names diversity director
The College of Engineering has named Nancy Knight its first director of diversity and graduate student affairs.
New analytical tool helps detect cancer
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have developed a tool that can identify the smallest traces of substances, including the biomarkers that could indicate breast and prostate cancers. The discovery and related research could lead to earlier detection of cancer.
Students invited to disaster relief training
New Iowa State students can take part in disaster relief training with the city's Red Cross this weekend.
AD search begins
The committee appointed recently to conduct a nationwide search for a new Iowa State University athletics director began its work on Aug. 16.
Alumnus killed in Iraq
ISU alumnus David L. Giaimo, 23, was killed recently while serving in the Army in Iraq. He graduated from Iowa State in 2003, with a degree in finance.
National honors for women's basketball
The Cyclone women's basketball team ranked fifth nationally among Division I schools with a 3.461 team grade-point average in 2004-05.

Browne appointed public radio director
Cindy Browne, a Minnesota-based public broadcasting consultant and former executive vice president for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has been appointed executive director of Iowa Public Radio, effective Sept. 1.
Charges to go
Iowa State researchers are hoping to make Iowa-made solar technology wearable. The result would be a convenient way to charge your electronic devices.
Colletti named to interim Ag post
Joe Colletti, professor and interim chair of the department of natural resource ecology and management, has been named interim senior associate dean of the College of Agriculture.
Professor named engineering fellow
Mechanical engineering professor Atul Kelkar has been named a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers International.
ISU can help businesses find R&D support
Iowa State University can assist small Iowa companies and faculty startup businesses looking for federal grants to fund research and development work.
Find out about latest technologies
Sign up online and Iowa State's Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer will automatically e-mail updates about the newest technologies developed on campus.
Great moments in Trice Stadium
Cast your vote for the greatest moment in the 30-year history of Jack Trice Stadium. Fans' picks will be revealed at home football games.