News Archive
Saturday, June 4 2011
ISU's Ann Thompson makes Tech & Learning magazine's 10 most influential people in ed tech

Sixth Street closed at University Boulevard
The stretch of Sixth Street between University Boulevard and the entrance to Brookside Park is closed for the next four weeks, starting June 3. The road's accompanying bike path also will be closed. Access to Brookside Park and the Ames High School baseball field is available only from the east.

Playing the shell game: ISU finance professors study the value of shell companies
Number of children living in poverty rising faster in Iowa than nation, says ISU researcher
David Peters from ISU's Department of Sociology analyzed U.S. Census Bureau data and compared Iowa's rates of poverty to the national figures. It turns out that the number of Iowa children in households with incomes below the poverty line is growing faster than the national average. In the past 10 years, poverty rates for Iowa's children have gone up 3.1 percent, while the national increase has been just 2.1 percent.
News release.

Terry Besser, an Iowa State professor of sociology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is leading the project.
ISU sociologist leads research on the 'new destination towns' in the Great Plains
ISU Power Pullers team hopes for revenge in upcoming competition
ISU's Power Pullers will see how they measure up at the 14th Annual International ¼ Scale Tractor Student Design Competition, to be held June 2 to 5 in Peoria, Ill. This year's tractor is named Cy's Revenge after dissappointing results last year.