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Wednesday, April 26 2006


President requests input on Principles of Community

President Gregory Geoffroy is seeking campus input on the current draft of Principles of Community, a Government of the Student Body-inspired document that offers ideals and expectations for fostering a welcoming climate at Iowa State.

News story.

ISU's Robert C. Brown to Senate committee: The bioeconomy is bigger than biofuels

Iowa State's Robert C. Brown testified before a U.S. Senate committee on April 26 and suggested four goals for the country's bioeconomy: 1. Reduce America's reliance on imported oil. 2. Improve environmental quality. 3. Expand the markets for U.S. agricultural products. 4. Improve the economy of rural America.

Brown's testimony.

ISU commencement May 5-6

An estimated 3,224 students will receive degrees from Iowa State during spring commencement events scheduled for May 5-6 on campus.

News release.

Geoffroy lauds "highly successful" Veishea

Veishea 2006 was "highly successful" and among the best in the 84-year history of the event, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy said in an April 23 statement.

News release.

Living cardinal and gold dream

Full-time student says he's living his dream as Cyclone writer and cable and radio regular.

News release.

Mumps vaccine clinic at ISU, other county locations

Free mumps vaccinations will be available at three Story County locations, including the Iowa State University campus, for people ages 18 to 22 who have not completed the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) series.

News release.

Small-town program has big-time impact

The quality of life in 113 of Iowa's smallest towns has improved thanks to Iowa's Living Roadways Community Visioning Program. The one-of-a-kind program led by ISU landscape architecture is being honored nationally by the American Planning Association.

News release.

Newt Gingrich to address Iowa State globalization course

Newt Gingrich -- speaker of the U.S. House from 1995 to 1999 and Time magazine's 1995 "Man of the Year" -- will address an Iowa State University globalization class from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, April 28, in the Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium in Howe Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.

News release.

Transitioning to a biobased economy

"The transition to a biobased economy will likely prove to be the biggest change impacting civilization since the industrial revolution," says Steven Fales, agronomy professor and coordinator of bioeconomy initiatives.

News release.

Iowa State's College of Engineering launches research magazine

Innovate, the new research magazine from Iowa State's College of Engineering, makes its campus debut this week.

News release.

New possibilities for Iowa producers

What type of meat is the most consumed in the world and is there demand for it in Iowa? And what's the Illinois bundleflower doing in Iowa? Find out in the ag and veterinary medicine tips.

Ag tips.

Finding a better way to make biodiesel

Iowa State scientists are using chemistry and nanotechnology to create a better way to make biodiesel.

News release.

Life in the fast lane

As graduation approaches, harness-racing Iowa State couple takes reins of education, relationship, life.

News release.