News Archive
Friday, December 31 2010
ISUs landscape architecture program in top 10 nationally

Iowa State's undergraduate landscape architecture program
tied for eighth in the nation, according to a new survey of
practitioners by DesignIntelligence, a bimonthly publication
for leaders in design professions. The magazine's annual
report, "America's Best Architecture and Design
Schools," is the only national college ranking survey that
focuses exclusively on design. There are 47 accredited
landscape architecture programs in the U.S.

Iowa State University aerospace engineer and Goodrich partner to develop next-generation fuel nozzle diagnostic systems
Hui Hu, an Iowa State University associate professor of
aerospace engineering, is working with engineers from the
Goodrich Corp. to test and characterize the next generation of
fuel nozzles. The joint project is supported by a $78,305 grant
from the Grow Iowa Values Fund, a state economic development
ISU College of Business professor predicts business technological trends for 2011

News release.
Iowa State graphic design students team up with Chicago's Field Museum
Design by Alana Wagner.
Graphic Design Associate Professor Lisa Fontaine's
Exhibition Design class has worked with the Field Museum
exhibition design director for the past two semesters. This
semester her students worked on designs for a traveling exhibit
on ants. Iowa State is one of only a handful of schools in the
country that teach the art and science of designing exhibits
that communicate, educate and entertain in museums and trade
shows throughout the world.

Iowa State, Ames Lab physicist developing, improving designer optical materials
Costas Soukoulis of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory writes about the development of optical metamaterials in the latest issue of the journal Science. He writes advanced fabrication techniques may make the man-made materials a practical way to control light for superlenses and other applications.

Stephen Dinsmore
Wind farms force birds to fly the coop? ISU researcher wants to separate facts from hot air
An Iowa State University researcher, Stephen Dinsmore, is looking at whether wind turbines have an effect on bird communities and nests and also bats living in the areas surrounding the turbines. They will gauge the impact of existing wind energy projects on birds and bats to better inform the placement of the turbines.
ISU students win interior design magazine's student competition with hotel concept

A design project by two Iowa State University students took top
honors in the student/conceptual category of Contract
magazine's 32nd Annual Interiors Awards. The competition
recognizes outstanding projects in 15 categories related to
interior design. The students completed the design for a
sophisticated but romantic South Beach hotel project last
spring.They will be honored at an awards breakfast Jan. 28 in
New York City, and their work will be featured in
Contract's January 2011 Design Awards issue.
News release.