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Thursday, February 26 2009


Barista Cafe turns two; provides learning community entrepreneurial experience

The Barista Cafe in Buchanan Hall will be celebrating its second anniversary on Friday, Feb. 27. Student shareholders from the cafe -- an experiential learning resource for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Community -- will serve free coffee to customers from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on that day.

News release.

Veishea announces 2009 Battle of the Bands and Live @ Veishea lineup

Student organizers of Iowa State University's annual Veishea celebration, set for April 13-19, have announced concerts for this year's event

News release.

Four finalists named in ISU engineering dean search

Four candidates will interview at Iowa State University next month in the hopes of becoming ISU's next College of Engineering dean.

News release.

Two state universities collaborate to improve human and animal eyesight

Iowa State University's College of Veterinary Medicine recently installed the newest generation of retinal imaging equipment for examining the eyes of animal patients. The research is intended to help human patients and animal patients as well.

News release.

Psychologists' study finds TV ratings for kids' shows don't reflect aggressive content

In a study of 95 fifth-grade girls from three Oregon elementary schools and their favorite TV shows, psychologists from Iowa State and Linfield College found that TV ratings don't accurately reflect the aggressive content found in shows popular among children -- even cartoons.

News release.

Cholesterol-reducing drugs may lessen brain function, says ISU researcher

Results of an Iowa State University study show that drugs that inhibit the liver from making cholesterol may also keep the brain from making cholesterol, which is vital to efficient brain function.

News release.

Iowa out-migration stalls while income numbers drop, says ISU researcher

The number of people coming and going has remained fairly constant, but the people leaving are those earning high wages.

News release.

NPR's Michele Norris to present ISCORE, Mary Louise Smith Chair lecture March 6

Michele Norris, an award-winning journalist and co-host of National Public Radio's "All Things Considered," will speak at Iowa State on Friday, March 6, serving as both the keynote speaker at the 10th annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE) and the Carrie Chapman Catt Center's Spring 2009 Mary Louise Smith Chair. Norris will deliver a free, public talk titled "Race, Gender and the Future of Leadership in America," at 4 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

News release.

Civil rights activist and scholar Berry to speak at ISU March 3

Mary Frances Berry, former chair of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and a founder of the 1980s' Free South Africa Movement, will speak on "Gender and Race After the 2008 Campaign,"at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. It is free and open to the public. Berry, the Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought at the University of Pennsylvania, is the author of seven books, a former assistant secretary for education and the recipient of 32 honorary doctoral degrees.

News release.

Iowa State career experts say jobs are still there for spring grads, provide helpful tips

In spite of the nation's rising unemployment, five ISU career placement professionals report that they continue to see consistent entry-level employment opportunities for their graduates. They have some tips on how future grads can land jobs amid a more saturated applicant pool.

News release.

Mary Swander


Governor Culver appoints ISU's Mary Swander as new Poet Laureate

Governor Chet Culver today appointed Mary Swander, an ISU Distinguished Professor of English, as Iowa's new Poet Laureate. Swander will serve a two-year appointment as the state's symbolic leader of poetry.

News release.

Iowa State, Iowa professors awarded $4.8 million grant to improve science literacy

A new four-year, $4.8 million U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences grant to improve science literacy among elementary students in Iowa has been awarded to a research team that includes Mack Shelley, an Iowa State political science and statistics professor; and Brian Hand and William Therrien, two University of Iowa College of Education professors.

News release.

Pruetz Presidential Lecture explores human evolution through savanna chimps

Jill Pruetz, an associate professor of anthropology, will present the Spring 2009 Presidential University Lecture "Savanna Chimpanzees and Our Understanding of Human Evolution," on Monday, March 2, at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Union Sun Room.

News release.

Four finalists named in search for ISU design dean

Four finalists have been named in the search for the next dean of the College of Design. They are Luis Rico-Gutierrez, associate dean of the College of Fine Arts and David Lewis Director of the Remaking Cities Institute, Carnegie Mellon University; Kate Schwennsen, associate dean of the College of Design; David Edelman, director of the School of Planning, University of Cincinnati; and Christine Theodoropoulos, head of the architecture department, University of Oregon. Candidate will visit campus during the next three weeks.

News release.