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Friday, April 1 2005


Partha Sarkar

It's a wrap

Partha Sarkar, aerospace engineering associate professor, Wilson chair, and director of wind tunnel operations, is interviewed by a National Geographic Explorer documentary crew during an April 1 location shoot at ISU. The "Operation Tornado" program will air on MSNBC in late summer or early fall. The tornado/microburst simulator in ISU's Howe Hall and research being conducted by Sarkar, assistant professor Fred Haan, aerospace engineering; and associate professor Bill Gallus, meteorology, is the focus of the show. ISU faculty were joined by Tim Samaras, an engineer and storm chaser from Denver, who was at Iowa State to test his newest tornado probe in the lab before trying it in the field. The National Geographic crew also filmed segments at the Virtual Reality Applications Center during their three-day shoot.

ISU alumni, friends will receive top awards

Ten individuals and a corporation will receive the top awards for Iowa State University alumni and friends during a public ceremony Friday, April 8.

News release.

Biosafety symposium April 19

Issues surrounding the safe production of genetically modified foods will be discussed by leading experts at a symposium April 19.

News release.

Panel will discuss women's career development

Rewards and Challenges: Career Development for Women in Academics and Industry," a panel discussion on non-traditional careers, will be April 6 from 4 to 5:30 p.m., in room 236 Memorial Union. It is free and open to the public.

News release.

ISU Extension leader to retire

Stanley Johnson, vice provost for Extension and renowned agricultural economist, has announced he will retire later this year.

News release.

Researcher will discuss effects of media violence

ISU psychologist Craig Anderson will discuss his research on the effects of media violence, especially on children and young adults, in an April 4 talk on campus.

News release.

ISU gets StormReady designation

Iowa State has received StormReady designation from the National Weather Service. Iowa State is the ninth university nationally to receive the designation, which goes to communities with the skills and education to manage weather-related disasters.

News release.

Student fashion show is April 16

Textiles and clothing students will show their creations at their annual fashion show April 16.

News release.

Rural aging conference April 6

A conference on rural aging issues in Iowa will be held April 6.

News release.

Fennelly is Region 5 Coach of the Year

Women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly has been named Region 5 Coach of the Year by Russell Athletic and the Women's Basketball Coaches Association.

News release.

Science Coalition highlights ISU research

A tornado simulator, an alternative to the computer mouse, and a device to clean up meat products are among ISU research accomplishments highlighted on The Science Coalition web site this week. The coalition, based in Washington, D.C., is a group of universities, businesses and organizations dedicated to sustaining federal commitment to university research.

Science Coalition | ISU research highlights

Sociologist's book on career criminals

In his book, "Career Criminals in Society", ISU sociologist Matt DeLisi advocates devoting more resources to prevention programs for children and adolescents and fewer on career criminals.

News release.