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Thursday, January 28 2010


Iowa State's annual "Wildness, Wilderness" symposium slated for Jan. 29-31

Iowa State's annual symposium on "Wildness, Wilderness and the Creative Imagination" will seek to find beauty in a broken world Jan. 29 through 31.The event will feature authors,poets and filmmakers. They'll present readings, poetry performances, panel discussions, documentary films and live music related to this year's theme, "Things Fall Apart: Finding Beauty in a Broken World."

News release

Iowa State sociologists find older adults turning to online options for love, marriage

ISU Associate Professor of Sociology Alicia Cast (above) and her graduate research assistant, Jamie McCartney, have been studying 175 central Iowa newlywed couples, including 25 who first met online. They found that online subjects didn't differ significantly from offline couples, but they had structural constraints that set them apart.

"Remarkable Creatures" author Sean Carroll will speak at ISU on Feb. 10

Sean Carroll, an award-winning scientist, author and educator who writes a monthly science column for The New York Times, will present "Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in the Search for the Origin of Species" at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. His book by the same title was a finalist for the 2009 National Book Award, nonfiction. Carroll has been featured on NPR's "Science Friday," and recently helped produce a PBS "NOVA" special on Charles Darwin. The talk, part of the university's National Affairs Series, is free and open to the public.

News release.

Budding student illustrators create drawings for new ISU weed identification guide

Some Iowa State University students are finding out that there's more to a blade of grass than meets the eye. The four seniors study biological and pre-medical illustration (BPMI). They've been asked to create technically accurate illustrations of several grass species for a Weed ID Guide to be published in March by the Corn and Soybean Initiative. The publication is part of a series of field guides widely used by agriculture and university professionals and growers to aid in-field crop management. BPMI is an undergraduate major in Iowa State's colleges of Design and Liberal Arts and Sciences for students who want to combine interests and aptitudes in science and art.

News release.

Students receive YMA Fashion Scholarship honors in New York City

Four Iowa State students have returned from a whirlwind trip to New York City where they received $5,000 scholarships and were recognized at a gala fashion industry dinner. The students -- all majors in apparel, merchandising, design and production -- are recipients of the prestigious Young Menswear Association (YMA) Fashion Scholarships for 2010-11. In addition to providing the scholarship and a three-day trip to New York, the YMA program recruits and nurtures the scholarship students to become the next generation of leaders in the fashion industry.

News release.

Iowa State, Ames Lab engineer works to develop better batteries for energy alternatives

Steve Martin, an Iowa State distinguished professor of materials science and engineering and an associate of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory, is studying how new materials could be used to improve battery performance. And that could help create a cleaner energy future.

University Museums receives original Rodin cast sculpture

The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation has gifted an original cast sculpture by French sculptor Auguste Rodin to the University Museums collection at Iowa State. "Saint John the Baptist Preaching" was created by Rodin in 1880. The sculpture will be installed in Morrill Hall and dedicated Friday, Jan. 29, at 5:30 p.m.

ISU Foundation release.

UPDATE: Help for Haiti clothing drive extended in new location

Mikelange Olbel, an ISU graduate student who's heading up a clothing drive for Haiti earthquake victims, has changed the location for the drive and extended it another week. Clothing donations will be accepted 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Jan. 25 to 29, at the Multicultural Student Affairs office, second floor, Student Services Building on the ISU campus.