News Archive
Saturday, January 27 2007
Students raise nearly $161,000 for children's hospital
Iowa State students raised nearly $161,000 for an Iowa children's hospital during a 15-hour dance marathon at the ISU Memorial Union Jan. 20.

Laura Bush, Ann Sidey, Fred Love and Michael Bugeja
Scholarship winner honored at White House
ISU journalism student Fred Love accepted a new Iowa State scholarship in a special presentation at the White House Jan. 26. The scholarship, established at the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, honors the late Hugh Sidey, a 1950 Iowa State graduate and long-time White House correspondent for Time magazine. On hand for the presentation were First Lady Laura Bush, former President George H.W. Bush, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy and Greenlee School director Michael Bugeja.
ISU to implement new budget model
President Gregory Geoffroy announced Jan. 23 that the university would implement a new budget model. Geoffroy's announcement followed recent endorsements of the Resource Management Model by key employee groups and a progress report issued Jan. 22 by the committee working on the design and implementation of the model.
One year to Iowa Caucuses, ISU profs assess evolving presidential field
Iowa State political science professors Dianne Bystrom and Steffen Schmidt assess the ever growing list of candidates for the Iowa Caucuses, which are just under one year away.
Iowa State study finds prevalence of overweight among Iowa prep linemen
A study by two researchers from Iowa State's Department of Health and Human Performance found that among linemen on 251 Iowa high school football rosters during the 2005 season, nine percent had body mass indexes that would be classified as adult class obesity.
Iowa State to celebrate Black History Month with lectures, activities, discussions
Iowa State University will host several events in celebration of Black History Month this February.
ISU sociologist, stepfamily researcher reports realities of more unmarried women
ISU Assistant Professor of Sociology Susan Stewart says that a New York Times analysis of 2001 census results finding that 51 percent of U.S. women are living without a husband shouldn't come as a surprise given recent demographic changes.
ISU professors assess best way to score in Super Bowl ads
In spite of consumer technology that now allows viewers to "tune out" the ads, three Iowa State University professors who specialize in advertising and consumer behavior still find it to be a sound investment to spend the $2.6 million for a 30-second ad in the Super Bowl.
Activities to honor Martin Luther King Jr.
Several events in the ISU/Ames community will honor the memory of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Activities over several weeks will include birthday celebrations, a panel discussion and a lecture on King.
ISU seminar will present techniques to help noise-phobic pets
Thunderstorm anxiety and fear of loud, abrupt noises are common behavioral problems reported by pet owners, says Dr. Kim Langholz, a community practice veterinarian at Iowa State's College of Veterinary Medicine. Langholz will present a seminar, "Thunderstorm Anxiety and Noise Phobias," at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6, in room 2532 Veterinary Medicine building to discuss ways to help pets modify behavioral responses.