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Friday, December 17 2010


Iowa State, Ames Lab physicist developing, improving designer optical materials

Costas Soukoulis of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory writes about the development of optical metamaterials in the latest issue of the journal Science. He writes advanced fabrication techniques may make the man-made materials a practical way to control light for superlenses and other applications.

News release.

Stephen Dinsmore

Stephen Dinsmore

Wind farms force birds to fly the coop? ISU researcher wants to separate facts from hot air

An Iowa State University researcher, Stephen Dinsmore, is looking at whether wind turbines have an effect on bird communities and nests and also bats living in the areas surrounding the turbines. They will gauge the impact of existing wind energy projects on birds and bats to better inform the placement of the turbines.

News Release.

Iowa State University commencement set for Dec. 18

An estimated 1,689 students will receive degrees from Iowa State during winter commencement at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18, in Hilton Coliseum. An estimated 1,319 bachelor's, 256 master's and 114 Ph.D. students will complete their degrees. ISU alumnus Richard (Ric) Jurgens, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Hy-Vee Inc., will address the graduates.

News release.

Graduation gowns go green

University Book Store has commencement attire made of 100 percent post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. It takes an average of 23 bottles to make each gown, which look and feel just like those made of traditional polyester fabric.

UBS news release.

Iowa State University custodian and single mom will earn bachelor's degree Saturday

Chris Matteo graduates Saturday from Iowa State with a degree in liberal studies. She also works full-time as an ISU custodian. And part-time as a waitress. And she's rehabbing a 100-year old house in Boone. Did we mention she's a single mother of two teen-age boys?
News release.

Iowa State professors assess FCC's current network neutrality dilemma

Two Iowa State University professors who study Internet regulation -- Jeff Blevins (at left) from the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communications and Tony Townsend from management information systems -- see the Federal Communications Commission's Dec. 21 decision on network neutrality being critically important to both Internet users and providers alike.

ISU students win interior design magazine's student competition with hotel concept

A design project by two Iowa State University students took top honors in the student/conceptual category of Contract magazine's 32nd Annual Interiors Awards. The competition recognizes outstanding projects in 15 categories related to interior design. The students completed the design for a sophisticated but romantic South Beach hotel project last spring.They will be honored at an awards breakfast Jan. 28 in New York City, and their work will be featured in Contract's January 2011 Design Awards issue.
News release.

Celebrate the holidays at Reiman Gardens

A 16-foot tree at ISU's Reiman Gardens doubles as a rocket ship, surrounded by a solar system created from donated bowling balls. Volunteers spent months gluing small pieces of glass onto the balls to represent each planet in a colorful, mosaic design. Reiman Gardens' design team has decorated elaborate trees and paired them with gazing balls throughout -- a closing tribute to the 2010 theme "A Celebration of Garden Ornamentation."

Visitor info.