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Wednesday, June 20 2007


Allison Rosenberg


Rosenberg named to ISU federal relations post

Allison Rosenberg, a vice chancellor at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, has been named special assistant to the president for federal relations at Iowa State University, effective Sept. 4.

News release.

Sustainable development of the ag bioeconomy

Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture's Jeri Neal is a co-author of a policy paper in the June 15 edition of Science. The paper calls for ag policies that focus more on developing and rewarding sustainable, multifunctional landscapes and less on merely maximizing crop yield.

News release.

Three youthful painters

Photo by Jim Heemstra

Volunteers help celebrate ISU 150th

As part of its 150th birthday celebration, Iowa State, with the help of lots volunteers, is giving a gift to every county in the state. Recently, Woodbury County volunteers painted a historic house at the fairgrounds in Moville.

Story, photos.

Police seek info on robbery

ISU police seek information about a report of a robbery that occurred in the area of the Iowa State Center at about 1 a.m. June 15.

News release.

George Kraus to direct Iowa State's Institute for Physical Research and Technology

George Krause, a university professor of chemistry, will be the new director of Iowa State's Institute for Physical Research and Technology. The institute is a network of scientific centers devoted to developing new technologies.

News release.

New Ph.D. program in business and technology will be offered

A new Ph.D. program in business and technology will be offered in the College of Business.The program, which is the college's first Ph.D. program will prepare individuals for academic careers in research, teaching and public service.

Iowa State partners with ISEA, Farm Bureau on presidential candidate events

Iowa State University has established a partnership with the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and the Iowa State Education Association to sponsor a nationally telecast debate for Republican presidential candidates Nov. 6.

News release.

Agriculture college gets a new name

Iowa State University's College of Agriculture is now the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

News release.

Threat of ground transport terrorism still very real, says Iowa State professor

ISU Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Mike Crum documented ground transportation security issues for a chapter titled "Transportation Management" for the "Handbook of Global Supply Chain Management" (Sage Publishing, 2007).

News release.

Iowa State tornado lab on CNN

CNN went live from Iowa State University's Wind Simulation and Testing Laboratory during the "American Morning with John Roberts and Kiran Chetry" show Friday, June 8. The story is on the Web at Scroll down and click on "Tornado technology."

News release.

ISU to host meeting to address Colony Collapse Disorder in bees, other topics

ISU will host an international meeting of pollination experts who will address, among other topics, Colony Collapse Disorder--the latest phenomenon that is affecting the number of bees pollinating food crops.

News release.