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Saturday, July 1 2023

  • Iowa State scientists and students combine research and adventure in the Himalayas

    Scientific research at the top of the world! During an expedition to the Himalayas, an Iowa State University professor and two students studied how extreme altitude affects blood flow to the brain. The high-altitude adventure tested the researchers both physically and mentally, but the unforgettable views made it all worth it. 

  • Cardinal Space Mining Club scoops up gravel, top awards at national competitions

    Iowa State University's Cardinal Space Mining Club recently won competitions in the mining arena and at NASA's online challenge. “This is truly the best year in the club’s history,” said Jim Heise, the club’s long-time faculty advisor.


  • Electric Power Research Center: Sixty years of aiding industry, preparing students, inventing solutions

    Plans to electrify everything make for exciting days at the Electric Power Research Center as it builds on 60 years of connecting industry with Iowa State researchers and graduate students.

  • VDL studying high-capacity methods to address growing testing needs

    A machine that holds more than 5,000 samples on a single small plate is among the innovations that could vastly enhance testing capacity at Iowa State University’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, advancements that would make tests more affordable and future pandemic-driven surges easier to handle.

  • Iowa State University visual arts professor finds music in weaving fabric

    Using a textiles loom as a musical instrument? An ISU professor of art and visual culture is collaborating with a composer to explore the commonalities between music and textiles. The project will release a new album during Des Moines Art Week.

  • Cutting back on social media reduces anxiety, depression, loneliness

    Iowa State University researchers found college students who tried to cut their social media use to 30 minutes per day scored significantly lower for anxiety, depression, loneliness and fear of missing out at the end of the two-week experiment and when compared to the control group.

  • From 19th century “Indian remedies” to New Age spirituality

    A new paper explores how the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company pushed stereotypes and claimed authority on Indigenous culture in the 1800s to sell products. It also highlights several ironies. As “Indian remedies” became mainstream, the U.S. government rolled out policies to restrict Indigenous healing and spiritual practices, which are often intertwined.

  • Why some military veterans may be more at-risk of PTSD symptoms

    Service members deployed to conflict zones may be at greater risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder if they were abused in childhood. This, along with other findings from a new study, help clarify how adverse experiences early in life can make people more vulnerable to trauma later on.

  • Building positive peace goes beyond conflict resolution

    A new collection of essays from a dozen Iowa State University faculty underscores how all of us can play a role in cultivating a more peaceful world. The authors demonstrate this by drawing from their own disciplines – agriculture, architecture, business, education, engineering, history, music, nutrition and food systems and philosophy.