News Archive
Monday, December 19 2005
Iowa State University selects new College of Agriculture dean
Wendy Wintersteen, interim dean of Iowa State's College of Agriculture and interim director of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station since August 2005, will permanently serve in these positions effective Jan. 1, 2006.
Wrestler at Iowa State chosen to perform overseas
An ISU graduate student in civil engineering has accepted an invitation to train and wrestle in Japan. His kind of wrestling is the drop-kicking, body-slamming, jumping-off-the-top-rope style you see on television.
ISU police identify driver
ISU Police have identified the driver of a vehicle that struck and killed ISU student Kelly Laughery on Dec. 3.
DMACC, Iowa State and Simpson College share George Washington Carver Teacher Education Program national award
The George Washington Carver Teacher Education program has been awarded a national education honor.
Practitioners rank interior design and architecture programs high
Iowa State's undergraduate programs in interior design and architecture are among the nation's best, according to a survey of practitioners by the monthly publication, DesignIntelligence.
Iowa State students defend their cyber defense title
A team of Iowa State University students recently won the second Cyber Defense Competition at Iowa State by foiling every attack from a group of computer professionals.
National honor to grad student
The National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders presented its 2005 Graduate Student Award to ISU graduate student Brandon Wardyn, Farwell, Neb.
Dean of students candidates announced
Six finalists have been named in the search for a new dean of students at Iowa State.

Schwennsen is new AIA president
Kate Schwennsen, associate dean of the College of Design, was inaugurated as the 82nd president of the American Institute of Architects during recent ceremonies in Washington, D.C. She is the second woman and the second Iowan to lead the 149 year-old national professional organization.
Iowa farmland reaches new peak
The average value of an acre of farmland in Iowa increased $285 to an all-time high of $2,914 in 2005, according to an annual survey conducted by Iowa State University.
Local foods, grain damage sensors and safeguarding livestock
Locally grown foods could find an outlet in Iowa's convenience stores. Read about that and much more in this month's news from agriculture and veterinary medicine.