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Saturday, December 1 2018

  • Yield tests prepare for 100th year of helping farmers decide what seeds to plant

    With the publication of this year’s Iowa Crop Performance Tests results this month, the program is preparing to launch its 100th year in 2019. The Iowa Crop Performance Tests take place on ISU research farms and cooperating private farms across the state. They gauge the performance of roughly 200 varieties of corn and soybeans to help farmers make informed decisions on what seeds to plant.

  • Sketchnoting pushes students to learn, retain information differently – particularly in STEM

    Over the last three years, sketchnoting has been introduced to about 1,000 students, faculty and staff across a wide range of disciplines at Iowa State University. This fall, an interdisciplinary research team is studying how this alternative to traditional note-taking affects learning.

  • Science association honors seven Iowa State researchers for distinguished work

    The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is honoring seven Iowa State researchers for their distinguished contributions to agriculture, biological sciences, chemistry and engineering. The AAAS is the world's largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science.

  • Farmland expansion increases carbon footprint in Corn Belt, according to Iowa State University research

    A new study led by an Iowa State University scientist shows that increases in crop production due to expanding acreage devoted to agriculture in five Midwestern states between 2006 and 2016 has reduced the region’s soil carbon content. The reduced carbon storage capacity means that some carbon that once resided in the soil and plant life is released into the atmosphere instead.

  • Lack of sleep intensifies anger, impairs adaptation to frustrating circumstances

    Losing just a couple hours of sleep at night makes you angrier, especially in frustrating situations, according to new Iowa State University research. While the results may seem intuitive, the study is one of the first to provide evidence that sleep loss causes anger. The research also provides new insight on our ability to adjust to irritating conditions when tired.

  • Newly sequenced genomes of parasitic worms could speed development of new treatments, according to Iowa State University biomedical research

    An international team of scientists, including an ISU biomedical researcher, conducted genomic studies of 81 worm species, including 45 that had never been sequenced before, and documented nearly a million new genes. The research might identify promising targets for new medical treatments to combat parasitic worms, a major global threat to human and animal health.

  • Quality of sellers critical to growth, revenues for online platforms

    Online shopping platforms have changed the way we shop for everything from household items to holiday gifts. The success of an online platforms depends on its ability to pair buyers and sellers and remove low-quality sellers, according to new Iowa State University research.

  • Engineers use game theory to quantify threats of cyberattacks on power grid

    Iowa State's Manimaran Govindarasu and Sourabh Bhattacharya are turning to game theory to help quantify threats of cyberattacks on the power grid. They're also developing cybersecurity tools that could help protect the grid and could be adapted to other cyber-physical infrastructure such as oil, natural gas and transportation systems. Their research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

  • Change Agent: Austin Stewart

    Austin Stewart’s passion for building and supporting community, and how art weaves through it all, has led him across America – including his pilgrimage with a monk 13 years ago. Today, the assistant professor of art and visual culture splits his time between teaching digital media in Iowa State’s College of Design and revamping a former feed mill and warehouse on Ames’ west side.

  • Weightlifting is good for your heart and it doesn’t take much

    Lifting weights for less than an hour a week may reduce your risk for a heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70 percent, according to a new Iowa State University study. Spending more than an hour in the weight room did not yield any additional benefit, the researchers found. The results show benefits of strength training are independent of running, walking or other aerobic activity.

  • Singing may reduce stress, improve motor function for people with Parkinson’s disease

    Singing may provide benefits beyond improving respiratory and swallow control in people with Parkinson’s disease, according to new data from Iowa State University researchers. The results from the pilot study revealed improvements in mood and motor symptoms, as well as reduced physiological indicators of stress. Researchers say the improvements among singing participants are similar to benefits of taking medication.