News Archive
Friday, February 3 2012
ISU experts can discuss mild winters effect on prices, planting, moisture and more
The Midwest's mildest winter in memory has producers and economists talking about the effects on our crops, planting, water tables and prices. Iowa State University has experts who can discuss these topics and how -- or if -- they will affect yields, the economy, erosion and other topics.

Peter Martin (far right) has been conducting research on centenarians and the oldest of old for more than 20 years.
Iowa State gerontology researcher says six factors can help you lead a longer, better life
Peter Martin, director of Iowa State's gerontology program, is the lead author of a new article summarizing the keys to long life. The article appeared online last week in the Journal of Aging Research as the introduction to a special issue on the behavioral factors of longevity, which Martin edited. He also had three of his related studies published in the special issue, which supports the "Georgia adaption model" that he and a fellow researcher had constructed some time ago.

ISU photo by Bob Elbert
Gamers on 3-D mission to save world, just dont tell them they are learning cell biology
Eve Syrkin Wurtele decided the best way to get the attention of the science-deprived, gamer generation is to take the information out of a textbook and put it in a medium that kids crave - video games. So she and her team developed Meta!Blast, which won honorable mention in the 2011 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is featured in the Feb. 3 issue of the journal Science.
ISU family finance expert offers advice to help dig out from New Year's debt

Tim Griesdorn, an assistant professor and state extension specialist in family finance within Iowa State's Department of Human Development and Family Studies, recommends a two-pronged approach for people to become debt free and stay that way.

Iowa State engineer wants to sculpt more powerful electric motors and generators
Iowa State University's Dionysios Aliprantis is developing several technologies that could improve the performance of electric motors and generators. And that could make a real difference in building sustainable energy systems.
Intellectual property lawyer to discuss patenting plants at Iowa State on Feb. 16
Edmund Sease, a trial lawyer with more than 30 years of experience litigating intellectual property cases, will speak on "The Case for Patenting New Plants" at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Sease's talk is part of Iowa State's all-day symposium, "Who Owns Life: Intellectual Property in Biotechnology and the Life Sciences." The symposium will present issues of intellectual property protection specific to the plant and life sciences.