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Wednesday, May 21 2008


Admission partnerships strengthen community college relationships

Iowa State is strengthening relationships with community colleges through admissions partnerships. Today (May 15) Iowa State celebrates completion of admission partnership agreements with all 15 community colleges in Iowa during signing ceremonies at Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, Southeastern Community College in Burlington and the Eastern Iowa Community College District in Davenport. The partnerships make it easier for community college students to transfer to Iowa State for their four-year degrees.

News release.

Survival guide: Iowa State professor offers small business tips to weather weak economy

Howard Van Auken, the Bob and Kay Smith Fellow in Entrepreneurship at Iowa State, says there are some steps small business owners can take to stay solvent in today's weakened economy and offers 10 tips they can follow.

News release.

Iowa State Formula SAE team looks for speed in re-engineered race car

Iowa State University's Formula SAE Team will test its mini open-wheel race car at the annual competition sponsored by SAE, the Society of Automotive Engineers, May 14-18 at Michigan International Speedway.

News release.

Search begins for vice president post at Iowa State

Alex King, director of the Ames Laboratory, is chair of the search committee charged with finding ISU's next vice president for research and economic development.

News release.

ISU researcher performs first veterinary corneal implant procedure in U.S.

Sinisa Grozdanic, assistant professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, performed the surgery that restored sight to Dixie, a canine patient at the College of Veterinary Medicine.

News release.

Iowa State minor in engineering studies graduates first students

The first two students to complete the College of Engineering's new and unique engineering studies minor will graduate this spring. The program is designed for students who aren't engineering majors. It aims to improve their technical literacy and develop their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

News release.

Whiteford will lead search for College of Design dean

A 12-member committee is beginning the search for the new dean of the College of Design. The search committee is chaired by Michael Whiteford, dean of liberal arts and sciences. The committee's goal is to name a new dean by the end of spring semester 2009. The successful candidate will succeed Mark Engelbrecht, who assumed leadership of the college in 1994 and will step down in June 2009.

News release.

Iowa State authors detail what you need to know about identity theft in new book

Michael McCoy, an ISU graduate student; and Steffen Schmidt, a University Professor of political science -- both researchers in ISU's Center for Information Protection -- have authored a new book, "The Silent Crime: What You Need to Know About Identity Theft" (Twin Lakes Press, 2008).

News release.

ISU researcher leads effort, develops test to identify dwarfism gene

ISU associate professor James Reecy and his research team have identified the genetic marker responsible for long head dwarfism in Angus cattle and developed a test to find it.

News release.

Iowa State's lighter, better human powered vehicle wins engineering competition

Iowa State University's Human Powered Vehicle Team brought home the top award for multi-rider vehicles at a recent competition in Madison, Wis. The student engineers worked all school year to design and build a lighter, better vehicle than the team's previous two vehicles.

News release.