News Archive
Sunday, February 13 2005
'Breaking Down the Barriers' improves outreach to community
An Ames/Iowa State University committee that works to improve multiculturalism and diversity in the community has new information to assist anyone involved in a bias incident.
Promotions, new staff in Student Affairs Division
Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Hill has announced promotions and new staff in administration, enrollment services, financial aid, the Department of Residence and the Memorial Union.
ISU food scientists on History Channel
The History Channel's "Modern Marvels" program Feb. 15 will feature the work of George Washington Carver and modern day ISU food scientists Jay-lin Jane and Perminus Mungara. The program airs from 9 to 10 p.m.
Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Conference Feb. 25
Students may attend the fourth annual Collegiate Entrepreneurs Iowa Conference at North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, for free. The conference is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25.

Barjche 2005
Iowa State's annual modern dance concert, Barjche, will be held at Fisher Theater Feb. 10-12 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. It's been a tradition at ISU since the early 1940s. The diverse performance features the talents of more than 60 students who serve as dancers, choreographers, lighting designers, costume designers, stage managers and crew. Tickets are $6 and may be purchased at the Stephens Auditorium box office or through Ticketmaster.
Scholarships for entrepreneurs
ISU students interested in entrepreneurship programs may apply for $1,000 Pappajohn Scholarship awards.
Court: ISU Foundation subject to open records laws
The Iowa Supreme Court recently held that the Iowa State University Foundation's fund-raising function for Iowa State is subject to Iowa's open records laws.
President Geoffroy statement | Foundation statement | Court decision
Free public creative writing symposium Feb. 20-22
The Iowa State University Creative Writing Program will hold a free public symposium on "Wildness, Wilderness and the Creative Imagination" in the Memorial Union Sunday to Tuesday, Feb. 20-22.
Private fund-raising up 71 percent
Private fund-raising at Iowa State is up 71 percent halfway through the fiscal year, Iowa State University Foundation officials report.
Flaxseed growth offers market opportunities
U.S. consumption of flaxseed and flaxseed oil is on the rise, offering opportunities for Iowa growers.
$1.5 million gift to ag entrepreneurship program
A $1.5 million gift from Roger and Connie Underwood, Ames, will establish an entrepreneurship program for students in the College of Agriculture.
Clinic offers online "relationship check-up"
An online "relationship check-up" for couples is available on the Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic web site.
Black History Month events
Lectures, food tastings, a history quiz bowl and a pageant are among several Black History Month activities at Iowa State.
Veishea town hall meeting March 7
ISU students faculty, staff and Ames officials are taking steps to improve community relations, following the November release of two Veishea reports. Activities include a March 7 "town hall" meeting.
Search begins for dean of new college
The search for the first dean of Iowa State's College of Human Sciences is under way. Two current ISU colleges (Family and Consumer Sciences and Education) will be combined into the new College of Human Sciences on July 1.