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Thursday, October 15 2015

  • Iowa State University animal scientists identify mutations that led to pigs that lack immune systems

    Animal science researchers at Iowa State University have identified a pair of genetic mutations that cause immune deficiencies in pigs that make them uniquely good models for testing potential medical therapies for people. The work advances previous research at Iowa State concerning pigs with severe combined immunodeficiency.

  • ISU metals prof Joe Muench creates silk from steel

    Joe Muench has been honing his award-winning metalsmithing for 40 years. Now an associate professor of art and visual culture at Iowa State, Muench teaches metalsmithing and jewelry in the same classroom where he learned during the early 1980s. His diverse and uncommon artwork has won Juror's Awards and Best in Show honors at national and international exhibitions. This fall, ISU University Museums added one of Muench's most meaningful pieces to its permanent collection. "Blown Cube" is on display through Dec. 19 in the Brunnier Museum's 40/40 Exhibition. The piece exemplifies signature currents that flow through Muench's work.

  • Speaker will discuss Pentagon contractors' influence on U.S. foreign policy at ISU Oct. 21

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff, who thinks Pentagon contractors wield too much political power over U.S. foreign policy, will speak at Iowa State. Retired U.S. Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson will present "Governing Under the Influence: Are Pentagon Contractors Driving U.S. Foreign Policy?" at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. His talk is part of the university's World Affairs Series: Redefining Global Security. It is free and open to the public.

  • Author of 'My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant' will speak Oct. 20

    Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, who wrote a groundbreaking 2011 essay for The New York Times Magazine that revealed and chronicled his life as an undocumented immigrant, will speak at Iowa State Tuesday, Oct. 20. He will discuss his life before and after that trailblazing essay in his presentation, “Define American: My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant." It will be at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. His talk is free and open to the public. 

  • Change Agent: Jim Cochran

    Iowa State's Jim Cochran is helping to oversee the U.S. contribution to ATLAS, one of the huge particle detectors at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. It's a busy job at the biggest particle accelerator on the planet.

  • Iowa State University agronomist explores the genetics that allow hybrid plants to perform better than parents

    A new ISU study of sorghum explores the genetics of heterosis, the process by which hybrid plants perform better than the parent varieties used to create them.

  • Parents influence children’s play of violent video games, according to Iowa State study

    Parents who are more anxious and emotional can impact the amount of violent video games their children play, according to new consumer research from Iowa State University. Researchers found that parents who were more warm and restrictive were successful in limiting children’s play of violent video games. However, highly emotional and anxious parents had the opposite effect – their children played more.

  • Creator and co-host of NPR's 'Radiolab' will speak Oct. 19

    While working at New York's public radio station WNYC, Jad Abumrad began tinkering with an idea for a new kind of radio program. His idea evolved into one of NPR's most popular shows today – the Peabody Award-winning "Radiolab." MacArthur Fellow Abumrad will discuss how the negative feelings experienced during the creative process can propel us forward in a talk at Iowa State. "Radiolab: Gut Churn" will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 19, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. It is free and open to the public.

  • Iowa State landscape architecture students win national award for women's prison project

    An Iowa State University landscape architecture student project has won the Community Service Award of Excellence from the American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA). The national award honors the ongoing project at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women (ICIW) in Mitchellville, Iowa, led by Assistant Professor Julie Stevens. The entry, "Landscapes of Justice: Redefining the Prison Environment," focused on work completed in 2013 and 2014. Iowa State's is one of four awards of excellence presented in six categories. A total of 23 student awards were selected from more than 327 entries representing 84 schools. The ASLA awards recognize the top work of landscape architecture students in the United States and around the world.

  • Mobile apps and online reviews influence consumer behavior

    Mobile apps are changing the way brands connect with consumers and have the potential to boost a company’s bottom line. According to a new Iowa State University study, there is a direct link between app use and purchase activity – the more engaging the app, the more customers will spend. In a related study, researchers also examine the effect of negative online reviews.  

  • Birds spread infections at feeders, according to ISU research

    Diseases may spread faster in birds that visit bird feeders frequently, according to new research from an Iowa State University ecologist. But researchers cautioned against removing backyard bird feeders, even in light of the findings, because of the overall health benefits they provide for birds.

  • New Iowa State research: Human activity affecting microbes in soil

    New research from an Iowa State University ecologist shows that agricultural inputs such as nitrogen and phosphorous alter soil microbial communities, which may have unintended environmental consequences.

  • Digital textbook analytics can predict student outcomes, Iowa State study finds

    College professors and instructors can learn a lot from the chapters of a digital textbook that they assign students to read. Reynol Junco, an associate professor in Iowa State University’s School of Education, says digital books provide real-time analytics to help faculty assess how students are doing in the class. 

  • Iowa State engineer develops power-saving tools to keep solar-powered robots in action

    Ran Dai is developing power-management technologies that would allow solar-powered robots to maximize energy production, minimize energy loss and maintain long-term operations. The project is supported by a five-year, $500,000 CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation.

  • Iowa State University shares results of AAU Campus Climate Survey

    A smaller percentage of Iowa State University students have been victims of sexual assault and sexual misconduct than the average reported today in new higher education survey results. However, Iowa State officials say the incidence rates remain too high and addressing these problems will continue to be a high priority.  

  • Media advisory: ISU sources available to comment on harvest

    Agricultural experts at Iowa State University are available to comment on the 2015 harvest, which is just getting underway across the Midwest.