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Friday, April 21 2017

  • Four finalists selected for human resources VP post

    The search committee tasked with finding Iowa State's next vice president for human resources has identified four finalists. During their visits, the finalists will meet with representatives from all senior administrative offices, Faculty Senate, P&S Council, Student Government and Merit staff. They also will meet with university human resources staff.

    The search committee is co-chaired by Michael Norton, ISU general counsel; and Beate Schmittmann, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The four finalists and their interview dates are:

    • April 24: Jay Stephen, associate vice president for human resources, Boise State University

    • April 26: Laurie Textor, chief human resources officer, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

    • May 1: Kelli Shuman, vice president of human resources and Title IX coordinator, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City

    • May 3 or TBD: Stephen Ferber, assistant vice chancellor of human resources, University of Pittsburgh

  • MEDIA ADVISORY: Iowa State agriculture experts available to comment on spring planting

    Iowa State University agricultural experts are available for media interviews regarding the 2017 planting season, which is set to get underway shortly. ISU experts are watching the commodity markets, weather patterns and soil conditions that will shape this year's growing season in Iowa.

  • Iowa State professor: Technology is great, but are we prepared for the consequences?

    Dependence on technology has dramatically changed how we communicate and interact, and is slowly eroding some of our core principles, said Michael Bugeja, professor and director of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University. In his new book, Bugeja looks at its impact on everything from fake news to texting while driving. 

  • Musical beds: Iowa State professor finds co-sleeping is more common than some parents admit

    Parents know that co-sleeping is considered a no-no, but many still allow their children to crawl into bed with them at night. Doctors generally discourage co-sleeping, but Susan Stewart, a professor of sociology at Iowa State University, says it is a phenomenon that extends well beyond the infant and toddler years.

  • Cross-cultural study strengthens link between media violence and aggressive behavior

    New Iowa State research offers compelling evidence that media violence affects aggressive behavior. This first-of-its-kind study, conducted in seven different countries, confirms six decades of research showing the effect is the same, regardless of culture. 

  • Iowa State researchers use graphene, electricity to change stem cells for nerve regrowth

    Two Iowa State research groups are combining their expertise to change stem cells for nerve regrowth. The groups -- led by Jonathan Claussen of mechanical engineering and Surya Mallapragada of chemical and biological engineering -- just published their findings in the scientific journal Advanced Healthcare Materials.

  • Iowa State University researchers untangle the molecular mechanisms connecting plant stress and growth

    ISU researchers are piecing together the genetic mechanisms that link plant growth and stress response. In a new paper, the research group links autophagy, an important energy recycling function, with slower growth during stress conditions. Autophagy plays a key role in animals as well as plants.

  • 100 years later Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’ still influential

    This month marks the 100th anniversary of Marcel Duchamp’s "Fountain." The controversial work of art, which was nothing more than a urinal turned upside down, is still an influential piece a century later.  

  • Clinical skills laboratory helps veterinary students gain nearly life-like experience

    Veterinary students in their first two years can get nearly life-like surgical training working on animal simulations in the ISU clinical skills laboratory. The laboratory helps veterinary students build the motor skills and familiarity they’ll need to perform surgical techniques on real animals.

  • Four Iowa State students named Goldwater Scholars

    Four Iowa State students have received Goldwater Scholarships, the nation's premier undergraduate scholarship in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering.The scholarships encourage outstanding students to pursue careers in STEM research. A total of 240 Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,286 applicants nationwide. Iowa State is one of only four institutions to have four students selected as scholars.

  • Consumer reviews reveal positive experience in renting formal dresses

    As an alternative to spending hundreds of dollars on a prom dress for one night, more and more online retailers are offering formal dress rentals as an attractive and often more affordable option. An Iowa State researcher says judging from online reviews, consumers are embracing the rental experience for prom, charity balls and other formal occasions.

  • School students from across Iowa to show off 515 research projects at science and tech fair

    After 60 years, the State Science & Technology Fair of Iowa is as relevant as ever. It will bring nearly 700 students from across the state to Hilton Coliseum on Thursday and Friday, March 30-31. Public viewing hours are 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday.

  • Puppets provide voice during times of political unrest

    Puppets are often associated with children’s programs or theatre, but they're also an effective tool for social change. Iowa State's Amanda Petefish-Schrag says throughout history, puppets have helped bring “the voice of the people to light," and she's using some unusual materials to build the puppets to tell those stories. 

  • Iowa State engineers test heated pavement technology at Des Moines International Airport

    Halil Ceylan and a group of Iowa State engineers are testing heated pavement technologies at the Des Moines International Airport. They've installed two test slabs of electrically conductive concrete. And so far this winter, the special pavement has effectively cleared ice and snow. The research is supported by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Center of Excellence Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability.

  • Researchers find video games influence sexist attitudes

    The images and roles of female characters in video games send a powerful message that can influence the underlying attitudes of gamers. Iowa State and French researchers found a link between video game exposure and sexism in a new study of more than 13,000 adolescents.

  • Benjamin Allen named Iowa State University interim president

    The Iowa Board of Regents have approved Benjamin Allen as Iowa State University’s interim president, effective May 9. Allen succeeds President Steven Leath, who has accepted the presidency at Auburn University. Leath’s last day at Iowa State will be May 8. Allen will remain in the interim position until a new president begins.

  • Iowa State University researchers discover new screening technique for protein misfolding diseases such as chronic wasting disease and Parkinson’s

    A new technique pioneered by Iowa State University biomedical researchers will allow scientists to produce data much faster and at less cost when studying protein misfolding diseases such as chronic wasting disease or Parkinson’s. The new screening method will fill a major gap for scientists studying the diseases.

  • Iowa State engineers dive into big data to develop better system to manage traffic incidents

    Iowa State traffic researchers are developing technology that will take the huge amounts of data collected by the Iowa Department of Transportation, sort through it all and identify problems. The goal is early detection of traffic incidents and better traffic management. That would improve safety and mobility on Iowa's roads and highways.

  • Iowa State University researchers detail genetic mechanisms that govern growth and drought response in plants

    New Iowa State University research outlines how the genetic pathways that govern growth and stress response in plants sometimes clash. The research could lead to better performing crop varieties.