News Archive
Sunday, September 25 2011
Fiscal Solutions Tour speakers to discuss responsible fiscal policy Sept. 29 at ISU
Iowa State will host the Fiscal Solutions Tour on Thursday, Sept. 29. The discussion, which features talks by a former United States comptroller general and the director of a nonpartisan organization dedicated to fiscal responsibility, will be at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Iowa State Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Hoffman will moderate the discussion. It is free and open to the public.
Presidential Search Committee will meet Monday
ISU's Presidential Search Committee will meet at noon
Monday, Sept. 26, to prepare written evaluations of the two
finalists for the ISU presidency. Most of the meeting will be
held in closed session. (Iowa's Open Meetings Law allows
closed sessions to evaluate the competency of an individual
whose appointment is under consideration.) The committee
evaluations will be forwarded to the Iowa Board of Regents,
which selects Iowa State's next president.

Stanley Harpole
New approach challenges old ideas about plant species and biomass
It is no longer hump day, according to new research in the current issue of the journal Science. Research that included Stanley Harpole of Iowa State University challenges a widely-accepted idea from the 1970s showing as plant biomass produced in a system increased, so did the number of plant species, to a point. After that point, the number of plant species is thought to decline. When plotted on a graph, the result is a hump shape, with maximum species richness occurring at the point of intermediate productivity. But, now it's time to get over the hump.

Babcock named Iowa States Cargill Chair and leader of the Biobased Industry Center
World Food Prize laureate to kick off new ISU One Health lecture series
The Iowa State University-based international One Health
Commission will sponsor a lecture with ISU by 2010 World Food
Prize Laureate David Beckmann. "One Health: World Health
Through Collaboration," will be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday,
Oct. 12, at the Des Moines Marriott, Salon D, 700 Grand

'Piled Higher and Deeper' comic author to screen film adaptation and speak Sept. 27
Jorge Cham will screen the film adaptation of his popular
online comic strip about life in academia and speak at Iowa
State on Tuesday, Sept. 27. The film, "Piled Higher and
Deeper: The Ph.D. Movie," will begin at 7 p.m. in the
Memorial Union Great Hall. Cham's talk will follow the
67-minute film. Cham has been called the Dilbert of academia
for his comic strip. Appearing in numerous university
newspapers, it chronicles the struggles and humor of the lives
of graduate students and stressed out academics.
Gov. Branstad will speak at Biorenewables Complex groundbreaking, phase two
The groundbreaking ceremony for phase two of ISU's Biorenewables Complex is set for Friday, Sept. 30, at 3:30 p.m. Gov. Terry Branstad will speak. Phase two includes Virgil B. Elings Hall and a second agricultural and biosystems engineering building, funded through $60.4 million in state appropriations and $14.1 million in private support.
Two finalists for ISU presidency announced
Two finalists for the presidency of Iowa State University have
been announced by the presidential search committee. Steven
Leath and Kumble Subbaswamy will be on campus later this
Newspaper columnist Rekha Basu to speak at Iowa State Sept. 26

Longtime Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu will present
the keynote address for the 35th anniversary of the women and
gender studies program at Iowa State on Monday, Sept. 26. Her
talk, "How the Media Looks at Women," will be at 7
p.m. in the Memorial Union Great Hall. It is free and open to
the public. The Women's and Gender Studies Program will
host a reception following the talk.